Winchester Miroku vs the newer Uberti/ Beretta made ..quality thereof ? as close to original ??
I know Miroku is top machining , curios about the recent slew of italian winchester repros, same better as ?
Winchester Miroku vs the newer Uberti/ Beretta made ..quality thereof ? as close to original ??
I know Miroku is top machining , curios about the recent slew of italian winchester repros, same better as ?
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The Miroku Winchesters are better than original Winchesters and far better than the Italian reproductions with regard to machining tolerances. Italian reproductions are less expensive however. You can shoot them all day. I mostly shoot the Italian guns because they look better.....have more eye appeal.
But I do love the Miroku Model 94 in 30-30. Sweet Rifle and I do like the tang safety.
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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I have Original Winchester.Hiwalls ,Uberti- Pedersoli Hiwalls and Mirouku Hiwalls.
the Italian guns are pretty close to original and the parts have some interchange with minor fitting.The Japanese guns are 1885 Hiwalls in exterior looks but the guts are complicated.
I like them all and the Mirouku is the strongest I feel. Some of the Italian flat springs seem to fail more often than the original Winchester do I have found
The modern Italian barrels are as good as any in my opinion.
I like the look amd feel of an original Winchester but can't say it's any better than the replicas.
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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My miroku made browning b-92 is very well made with nice attention to detail. It has rifling like the marlin micro groove style. It also has a 1 in 38" rifling. I do not know if the new mirokus have this or not. I had to experiment to get it to shoot well. I have not gotten cast loads to shoot as well as fmj's yet.
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I don’t have any Italian made Winchesters, but I have a post ‘64 Winchester’94 and a Miroku model 1892. I like the Miroku much better than the Winchester made Winchester.
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My Miroku 94 .25-35 rifle made in 2016 is a far better product than the other 94s I have from the 1980's. Better finished, smoother operating and nicer wood. Will be buying another one in .38-55.
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My Miroku 94 .25-35 rifle made in 2016 is a far better product than the other 94s I have from the 1980's. Better finished, smoother operating and nicer wood. Will be buying another one in .38-55.
I bought one of those back in 2016 also because I wanted a 25-35 with a perfect bore for cast shooting. My originals shoot jacketed great but are a little too rough for cast.
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A number of years ago I bought a Zastava Mini Mauser in 7.62x39 mm the bore was rough as an old country road after it had rained and the mud dried up, really bad with lots of tool marks and even wire-like bits of steel in it. I fired about 150 rounds of paper patched loads through it and today it looks smooth as a baby's bottom. You might try that on the barrels that are too rough for cast bullets.
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My Miroku Winchester 92 is excellent on fit and finish. The stock is not fit quite as well as I'd like at the receiver. However, it's really my only complaint, it's excellent everywhere else.
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