Rabbit hunting break

  • Last Post 21 April 2023
JeffinNZ posted this 19 April 2023

The last 12 months have been a bit hectic for me so I took the opportunity to have a few days of 'me' time this week and headed south to the property I reported on in 2021.  My brother has access to an estate of 5 farms owned by the same family and use of a little cottage on the lower part of the homestead property.  Not as many animals this time but a great outing.  When one lives in the city it is easy to forget how 1) quiet the country is and 2) how pretty the night sky is.

The Hornet overlooking the Straith Taieri plains.

First kill with the Hornet.  Lyman 225415 PC doing 2250fps.

First kill with the suppressed .32-20 Martini.  Load is NOE 314008 FN in 40-1 alloy over 4.1gr Green Dot and a CCI small pistol primer for 1030fps.  Very quiet and super positive dispatch.

Rosehips and schist rock.

Spaniard plant.  Nasty business should you sit on one of these.

You know you are in the country when......

Cheers from New Zealand

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kootne posted this 19 April 2023

Hi Jeff, your Spaniard plant we call here Spanish bayonet. I have also heard it called Yucca but bayonet seems more appropriate.

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  • JeffinNZ
Wilderness posted this 19 April 2023

Hello Jeff

That looks like a good pig bait on the trailer.

In my situation, dogs (dingos) would be on to it the first and second nights, pigs would be checking it out for a minute or so on about the second night just to see where the smell was coming from, staying a few minutes longer to vacuum up maggots on the third and fourth nights, and then getting stuck into the cow herself as she breaks and leaks. Total demolition can be within the week if a mob hits it, or as much as a month if just casual visitors. Pigs tend to arrive at intervals through the night, and travel a long way, so it is not unusual to get a series of shots at about hourly intervals, even using something loud.

Your .32-20 would be brilliant with head shots and a cheap clip on NV device for your scope.

Your hosts, being more advanced agriculturally, would probably spoil the game by burying the cow.



You are only as good as your library.

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  • JeffinNZ
  • RicinYakima
Ross Smith posted this 20 April 2023

That ain't a black and white rabbit.

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  • JeffinNZ
  • RicinYakima
David Reiss posted this 20 April 2023

Tell us about the Hornet and scope, please. 

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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JeffinNZ posted this 20 April 2023

Tell us about the Hornet and scope, please. 

It's a 6X Burris I bought second hand about 30 years ago. It's perfect for a Hornet. Not too much magnification such that one tries to stretch the cartridge.

Cheers from New Zealand

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David Reiss posted this 20 April 2023

How about the rifle?

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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Wilderness posted this 20 April 2023

Jeff - what is the twist in the .32-20?

My Winchester 53 (20" twist) shot well at about 1250 fps with 110 gn bullets, but not so well subsonic.

By contrast my 1949 Marlin .30-30 with 10" twist shoots very well indeed with the same bullet at 1050 fps.


You are only as good as your library.

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JeffinNZ posted this 21 April 2023

Jeff - what is the twist in the .32-20?

My Winchester 53 (20" twist) shot well at about 1250 fps with 110 gn bullets, but not so well subsonic.

By contrast my 1949 Marlin .30-30 with 10" twist shoots very well indeed with the same bullet at 1050 fps.


1-10 twist as the barrel is a from a Lee Enfield .303 SMLE. It was brand new when I got it. I have shot bullets up to 220gr from the rifle with success.

Cheers from New Zealand

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JeffinNZ posted this 21 April 2023

How about the rifle?


Cheers from New Zealand

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