The last 12 months have been a bit hectic for me so I took the opportunity to have a few days of 'me' time this week and headed south to the property I reported on in 2021. My brother has access to an estate of 5 farms owned by the same family and use of a little cottage on the lower part of the homestead property. Not as many animals this time but a great outing. When one lives in the city it is easy to forget how 1) quiet the country is and 2) how pretty the night sky is.
The Hornet overlooking the Straith Taieri plains.
First kill with the Hornet. Lyman 225415 PC doing 2250fps.
First kill with the suppressed .32-20 Martini. Load is NOE 314008 FN in 40-1 alloy over 4.1gr Green Dot and a CCI small pistol primer for 1030fps. Very quiet and super positive dispatch.
Rosehips and schist rock.
Spaniard plant. Nasty business should you sit on one of these.
You know you are in the country when......
Cheers from New Zealand