I was unpacking some boxes from storage and found a stash of gas checks I forgot about. What was the time frame that Hornady sold gas checks in round tinned cans with slip on tops. Five or six still has a red plastic tape around the joint to seal it. The cans are tarnished on the outside but fine inside. They just says "Hornady- 1000 crimped on gas checks- Grand Island, Nebr- Pat. applied for." Wish they still sold them like that, nice cans. I only remember the red boxes like they are today. Thanks, appreciate any info. Ray
Old Hornady Gas checks
- Last Post 16 March 2021
I have no Idea. I would like to see a picture though. I have an old cardboard box, perhaps several, that have meal reinforced corners from gas checks.
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Those tins are very useful for various things. Wish I had saved more than I did.
BTW; the GCs are probably too old and aged and probably not any good anymore. Send to me for proper disposal........
Concealment is not cover.........
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Larry do you have an idea when they were made. The same box had several boxes of Ideal gas checks and 3 boxes of Sierra gas checks.
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If any of those gas checks are 22 caliber and you want to sell let me know. Old checks were usually larger and I have a 22 mold with a oversized shank. Not interested in the nice boxes.
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Sorry John there isn't any 22 cal. I was prairie dog hunting with a Government Trapper in Nebr. He and a couple buddies bought out an estate. They had peddled almost all the stuff at gun shows and these gas checks were some of what was left. I mainly got 30, 35 and a couple 32 and 45 cal checks. Mainly what I was shooting. I wish there had been some 22 and 25 there. I did manage to get some 22 checks recently but they're not Hornady , I'd guess Bullet Swage.
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To the best of my knowledge, all the Sierra gas checks were made for the slip on taper heel shank of the Ideal mould. I had a tin a few years ago, but think I gave them to my shooting buddy. Looked for the tin can information, but didn't get much, Sierra quit making checks about 1961.
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Mine are in an old Green box. 1961 , that might explain the 1.75 wrote on the box. lol
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After reading this post, about Hornady gas checks in a tin can, made me remember that I had some checks in a tin can. I went out to the shop today, and sure enough, I found them, The tin can is labeled Hornady .22 Cal crimp on gas checks. The can appears to be mostly full. 1000 was the amount on the label.
David a. Cogburn
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ray h posted this 10 hours ago
Concealment is not cover.........
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I still have one of the Hornady tin cans that contained .30 caliber gas checks. It was in with a bunch of assorted handloading stuff I bought years ago. I'm guessing these were from the '60s, but could have been late '50s. I've been buying Hornady gas checks for way more than forty years. I don't recall them ever being packaged in anything other than a red and white cardboard box.
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Hello John Alexander,
Let me do some measuring, and see how these old Hornady checks fit the bullets from my .22 mold. If they don't fit any better than my other Hornady checks, I would do some trading. My other Hornady .22 checks were purchased in the 70's so I figure they are the same as the ones in the can. It will be a few days before I can do that. I have my Grandson here and we're raking and burning mass quanities of oak leaves and pine needles and cleaning out my wifes playhouse and one of my shops.
David a. Cogburn
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