need lyman sight part

  • Last Post 14 July 2021
sergeant69 posted this 27 June 2021

my 1920 win 94 35-30 came back from smith for unrelated maintance with the elevation lock nut missing on the lyman 56 sight. course he has no idea how it got lost. or sold. so, i am needing that part or a whole sight. yes, i have looked on evilbay, brownells, buffaloarms etc etc thanks

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 27 June 2021

looks like it would be easy to just make a new locknut on a lathe.  Unimat would do.  or a drill press and file.

if you don't find one, i would give it a try.  pm me if.


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Shopdog posted this 28 June 2021

Send me some specs,a drawing,or a detailed pic. Probably knock it out for you pretty easy. I do understand the frustration.

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sergeant69 posted this 28 June 2021

thanks to both of you!! this old gun was converted from 32 win to 35-30AI years past supposedly by AO himself. no way to prove it. have contacted 4 past owners. all but the one in the 60s had no idea it was an AI. despite letters and instructions that came with it and ejected shells that are not 35-50. its a good shooter so i wanna keep it as original as i can. 

ANY WAY......i will be in touch if i can't get the smith to make it good, which hasn't happened so far.

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sergeant69 posted this 11 July 2021

i want to give a big thank you to sir SHOPDOG for fabbing and sending me the needed part. the rifle is back in service! side note...i called lyman for specs on the knurled nut i needed as per the thread pitch etc on the stud. a tech there said the #56 sight is so old they have no specs at all on it in their archives. be cool to know when it was made. 

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RicinYakima posted this 11 July 2021

#56 is listed in 1941 Shooters Bible, but not in !964. FWIW. 

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sergeant69 posted this 11 July 2021

good ta know. thanks

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ALYMAN#1 posted this 13 July 2021

56A for model 94 is listed in both 1947 and 1950 Shooter's Bible for $8.00.  FWIW

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sergeant69 posted this 14 July 2021

i think the dam sight is getting to be more valuable that the rifle!

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