Sizing and Seating for .45 Colt

  • Last Post 20 March 2015
Bisley posted this 01 August 2013

Bought my single-cavity 454190 from another member on this forum and it cast fine slugs weighing in at 253-255 grains. Using a mix of hardened wheelwright metal and range lead, I got .454 inch bullets, which are just large enough to stick in the cylinder of my Anaconda. The .453 bullets cast in my semi-wadcutter mould  moved through the chamber mouth with just a slight push; the .452 bullets simply fell through.

So here's my question. Having only an RCBS .45 Colt/Auto Rim/ ACP carbide die set on hand, and knowing that's going to size and expand to .45 ACP dimensions, should I get another .45 Colt die set? Fleabay has a Lyman 3-die set for 20.00. Also, and more importantly, should I get an inside neck expander of .453 diameter so as not to size the bullet upon seating? If the ACP carbide die set expands to only .450 internal case diameter, I would be squeezing the soft bullet too far. What is the diameter of the inside neck expander on a Lyman .45 Colt set? Would I need a new plug?

Thanks for your input,


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Chargar posted this 01 August 2013

The Lyman expanders used in the 310 system come in .454 for the 45 Colt and .452 for the 45 acp rounds. They can be purchased on eBay for a reasonable price. That is what I use.

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Chargar posted this 01 August 2013

The Lyman expanders used in the 310 system come in .454 for the 45 Colt and .452 for the 45 acp rounds. They can be purchased on eBay for a reasonable price. That is what I use. Either will work for the 45 Colt or the 45 ACP/AR cases depending on the size of your bullet. Of course these small thread dies need an adapter bushing for use in a standard bench press, but those are available.

Most current production handgun dies were made for jacketed bullets and can deform the softer cast bullets that I favor.

I also have these older Lyman expanders in .358 and .357 that I use as well. Lyman made their 44 expanders in .427 for the 44-40 and .429 for the 44 Special. I use a .429 for most of my 44 Special and 44 Mag loads.

I also hunted up some early 60's RCBS steel sizing dies for the 45 Colt. These dies have a slight taper to them and size dies less than the carbide dies do. I understanding one die maker is making a dual ring carbide sizer now for the 45 colt to deal with this issue, but I am already set with the older dies.

I also use older RCBS steel dies for the 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44 Magnum and 45 ACP rounds as well, for the same reasons.

This seems to work for me but maybe I am deluding myself. :)

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onondaga posted this 01 August 2013>Bisley

The Lyman “M” die for 45 Colt should be perfect for your application, it is used after sizing to expand the neck and flare the case mouth in one step and is adjustable for amount of flare:>

"Improves the accuracy of cast and jacketed bullet reloads. Doesn't stretch cases like standard expander button style dies do. Works in a two step process, the first step expands the inside of the case neck to just under bullet diameter. The second step expands the case mouth to bullet diameter or slightly over so that the bullet can be started perfectly centered. ” ...product description.


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Pigslayer posted this 01 August 2013

Bisley wrote: Bought my single-cavity 454190 from another member on this forum and it cast fine slugs weighing in at 253-255 grains. Using a mix of hardened wheelwright metal and range lead, I got .454 inch bullets, which are just large enough to stick in the cylinder of my Anaconda. The .453 bullets cast in my semi-wadcutter mould  moved through the chamber mouth with just a slight push; the .452 bullets simply fell through.

So here's my question. Having only an RCBS .45 Colt/Auto Rim/ ACP carbide die set on hand, and knowing that's going to size and expand to .45 ACP dimensions, should I get another .45 Colt die set? Fleabay has a Lyman 3-die set for 20.00. Also, and more importantly, should I get an inside neck expander of .453 diameter so as not to size the bullet upon seating? If the ACP carbide die set expands to only .450 internal case diameter, I would be squeezing the soft bullet too far. What is the diameter of the inside neck expander on a Lyman .45 Colt set? Would I need a new plug?

Thanks for your input,


If you can get a Lyman three die set for $20.00 I'd take it. I have Lyman Carbide three die set & it works great. An added note is that I size my bullets to .454 as that is what my throats are. I have no issues & have great accuracy.


If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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delmarskid1 posted this 02 August 2013

I never used anything on my .45 Colt loads but Lee .45 auto dies. The Winchester brass cracked after 10 loads or so. Everything else held up okay but it was disconcerting to hear the rounds rattling in the cylinder. I found a carbide Lee .45 colt size die but I couldn't see any difference. other makers may differ.

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Ed Harris posted this 02 August 2013

I went the other way and use RCBS. 45 Colt/Schofield dies for loading both .45 Colt and ACP. I don't load for M1911s, only for revolvers. I use an old style RCBS roll crimp seater for. 45 ACP/AR to seat and crimp bullets in ACP or. 45 Cowboy brass. The carbide .45 Colt sizer in the RCBS Cowboy die set sizes brass adequately for loading cast bullets. I don't have to mouth expand, but flare case mouths only, using a .450” expander plug. I load no jacketed bullets in these calibers. Everything gets a 230-grain Saeco #954 flatnosed Cowboy slug, using 4.5 grains of Bullseye in ACP or Cowboy Special brass, 5 grains in Scofield brass or 6.5 grains in .45 Colt brass. K.I.S.S. principle.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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Bisley posted this 02 August 2013

Thanks to all for your replies; I don't really want to overwork my expensive Colt brass running it through an allegedly universal die set for three calibers. My issue is the diameter of the case upon loading. I have the Lee universal inside neck expander that works to get the bullet started, but I notice accuracy problems, leading and cutting at the forcing cone when the bullet is too small and I don't want to size upon loading. Does anyone make an expander plug to .452 or .453 diameter? the current ones are too small.


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Ed Harris posted this 02 August 2013

RCBS Cowboy die set comes with two plugs for. 452 or. 454 bullets, the plugs being 0.0015” under bullet diameter. I also bought a .455 Eley plug only, which is .454” for a .4555” bullet.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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Bisley posted this 19 August 2013

Thanks, Mr. Harris; that's what I needed to know. So, for my other cast bullet applications, should I secure expander plugs at size diameter -.0015” I have a .30-06 I like to feed cast and I think I am sizing the .310” bullet upon seating using a .307” expander plug. Also, Hornady makes a dual-ring sizer in the .45 Colt, which is supposed to put a taper on the cases so they don't rattle. Is this worth the 99.00 price tag for one die?


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Ed Harris posted this 03 September 2013

If you already have the die body, the cowboy expander plugs alone are very reasonable direct from RCBS:

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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tseaha posted this 20 March 2015

Thanks Ed, Your load for .45 Colt puts them in one hole for me at 15yards to point of aim with my 4 3/4” Colt SAA. Regards, tseaha

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