I know almost nothing about autoloader pistols.I'm going to buy a 9mm pistol with a steel frame. On Bud's gunsCZ75BOmega is $473Beretta J92M9AoM is $557 I'd like advice about the pistol to buy, Don't need any picatinny rail or other such. Do want a single/double action pistol Thanks;joe b.
- Last Post 13 August 2015
hi joe ... i have a beretta 92s ....about 1984 year .... the good news ..... hasn't jammed once .... kinda important ....
the bad news .... carry sights no fun ... they do make a target model . also, aluminum frame. but very durable and a beautiful gun .
the one only feature i don't like is that safe is lever down ... up for fire ... seems backward ... so i carry it safety off, hammer down y first shot double action .... the new m92 have firing pin disconnector so dropping doesn't set it off ...
it is big not heavy for a carry gun ... but mild recoil for plinking .
a minor point is that the 1911 guys make fun of them ...
hope this helps ...
ken oh if you carry concealed, let me know i have found a miraculous way to carry very comfortable y concealed . i have carrying a pistol for 60 years, and tried every holster .
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oh, for a budget gun i would go ruger ? sr9 ? ...runs like a train, feels great to me, and not sure why they are $300 or so for a used cop gun .... my friend has one, i like it a lot . maybe some one here can remember something bad about one ...
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I know almost nothing about autoloader pistols.I'm going to buy a 9mm pistol with a steel frame. On Bud's gunsCZ75BOmega is $473Beretta J92M9AoM is $557
I'd like advice about the pistol to buy, Don't need any picatinny rail or other such. Do want a single/double action pistol
Thanks;joe b.
Buy the one that feels natural to your grip & has the functions/features you like.
I like large, therefore 1911 Combat Commander, Browning High Power. Beretta 92 is cool, but big - hmm advantage is that 92 & 96 (9mm and 40) are VERY similar - there are conversions.
Go to one of the BIG gun stores that has a few hundred pistols and FEEL them.
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Joe: TRK gives good advice. The way an autoloader feels in your hand makes all the difference. Both my 9s are striker fired and plastic magic so I'm not much help as to steel framed pistols. I can't hit a barn standing in it with the Glock 17 but with the Walther PPQ the targets seem to jump in the way. All a matter of how it feels.. GP
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You can not go wrong with either one. They are the two best guns of that type ever made. I shot a Tanfoglio copy of the CZ75 for 25 years. A lot of cast bullets. Very comfortable design. Just got a 92 M9a1. Either one is built to outlast the owner.
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oh, for a budget gun i would go ruger ? sr9 ? ...runs like a train, feels great to me, and not sure why they are $300 or so for a used cop gun .... my friend has one, i like it a lot . maybe some one here can remember something bad about one ...
kenHi Ken;Is the ruger sr9 double/single action"?If the chamber is loaded, does a trigger pull fire the pistol?Thanks;joe b.
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joe, on the ruger sr9, they have several versions ; i would prefer that a ruger guy step in here and expand on those ... btw, you-tube has a guy ” hickok ” that tests about every gun ever made ... seems pretty straight ... be careful tho he is a glock guy at heart ... probably has several holes through his cowboy boots ... ( g ) ...
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As Plaxico Burris will attest to, don't pull the trigger on a Glock unless you want it to fire. I like 1911's but that and a Walther PP are the only Autos I have experience with.
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I have some experience with most of the above.
If I were to choose only one it would be the CZ 75.
Spare magazines are available from Meg-Gar at a good price and are what cz and others actual contract as OEM mags.
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agree on the cz75 ... and the safety works in the correct manner ....they do come in several versions also, including a steel frame model .......
or if you want an old school gun, also the most beautiful auto ever made ....check out the browning hi-power .... i saw a mint one this spring for $400 ... lust lust nearly overcame me ... and i am not even a pistol guy ...
or if you want to draw attention at the range, i got an extra astra 400 at a good price; shooter grade, direct blowback in 9 largo .... i cannot rack it anymore with nerve damage in my hands ...
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Yes the BHP is a nice advance on the 1911, aside from the ridiculously small safety, the heavy SA only trigger (because of the magazine safety), the magazine safety (gun will not fire without a magazine in it) and some early models will bite the web of your hand. Would I say no to one? It would be in the holster before the ink on the check dried. Sometimes beauty is more than skin deep. One of my grape growers kept one as his truck, golf cart, tractor gun and had me keep it clean and running for him. It was the first Hi-Cap pistol and is still a standard to aspire to.
The CZ-75 or Tanfoglio copy are keepers. The 1911s are made for longer cartridges so in 9mm I do not know how they perform.
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I would consider the Ruger SR9 a single action, it's a Glock with a thumb safety and designed to fit small hands and short fingers.
In your first post you say you prefer a steel frame, sorry but Ruger SR9's are fantastic plastic.
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