Hello folks. I have just aquired a revolver Colt Police Positive, 5 inch barrel, chambered in .32 Police cartridge. My aim is to use it in my clubs 4th o july pin match for .32 pocket guns. I think it could benefit with some tuning. Gun is clean on the outside. I haven't opened it yet. Bore is clean. It has some wear on finish. Lockup is tight. I dont own any other Colts, I have S&W and Ruger revolvers. My only concern is trigger pull on this gun seems heavy. If I were to use it in a match I may want to improve this. My Lyman electronic guage registers OVER as it maxes out at 12 pounds for double action pull on this gun. Single action is a crisp clean 7 pounds 5 ounces. Cocking the hammer takes a lot of force too, more than my other revolvers. I would truelly suffer from finger fatigue before I fired 50 rounds. I have two videos on tuning the S&W and Rugers and have successfully accomplished this on those guns. Can I improve the Colt?
Colt Police Positive .32 Police
- Last Post 30 September 2015
OMG just watched a few utube videos on disassembly and decided to open up gun. Looks like all parts are there. Full of gummy varnish of some sort. Ill try hot water and simple green solution, dry and relube like Robert Dunlap shows in his AGI S&W revolver video.MY Fingers are crossed.
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After you get it clean, use some “moly” grease sold in gun stores or hot-rodder's use for cam shaft break in. Double action the revolver 20 times every day for a week. Re-clean and use some light machine or gun oil or Ed's Red. Amazing what cleaning after 100 years will do for the action.
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Cleaned up nice now Im seeing a little more bare metal on grip frame. Trigger pull about same reading but feels smoother. I am really surprised at the strength of that mainspring. Allmost gave myself a hernia putting it back into the gun. I used Breakfree for lube, but will try some moly grease. Thanks Ric. Just got some brass and bullets from Cabelas. Ill be using Hornady swaged SWC 90 grain. I have some 700-X, Greendot, Unique and PB.
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My book says 1929 and they made 11,000 that year.
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Numrich has mainspring I thought I would buy one reproduction to whittle on. They list three for that schematic. Difficult to know if they are the correct spring. Part #1289850 A,B,or C. Hmmm.
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if going for a lighter spring use caution if using the revolver for self defense. i de-tuned my dan wesson to the point that it fired everytime single-action but not double action. great trigger for targets tho ( g ).
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Thanks Ken. I use mostly federal primers in the guns that I have reduced springs in. Glock 27 is my carry gun.
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Spent few hours today hand priming brass & loading a few. Is there anything more tedious than hand weighing 2 grains of Titegroup on a Lee scale? My RCBS powder measure throws from 1.8 to 2.2 grains on one setting. I dont think thats gonna cut it. I think the Lee may be more accurate or useful than the digital scale for this.
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I started using a Lee Pro Auto Disc powder measure on my RCBS progressive-- replaced the RCBS Uniflow that I had been using--and I feel my light powder charges of Bullseye (2.8g in .38 Spl and 3.5 g in .45 ACP) are more consistent;
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Thats good news Pete. I ended up using a Lee scoop. It worked quite well. I was emptying my uniflow last week and I accidently broke the resevoir off. RCBS is sending me new part and 2 new drop tubes no charge. I got impatient and bought a Redding 3BR and havent tried it yet. I did find out that Uniflow has a smaller drum for pistol available. That might be an option. The 3BR has 2 drums with it.If you know ahead of time to buy that model.
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Okay.. got my parts. Sideplate screw is too small. I'll save it for some other project. Wish I knew how to measure those little buggers and where to order them. The mainspring looks like it may work. It is missing the tiny spur near its apex that pokes into a hole in the grip frame. Anybody have any experience lightening those mainsprings? I thought I might carefully sand on the edge along its arc in stages.Try it, sand more if needed measure pull and repeat until I get it to where I want it. Im not going for featherlight just want a slight compromise.
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I never did mess with the trigger on this gun. I will just use it for plinking. I found an MAB model D in 7.65 Browning for the 32 match. It didn't need any work and will probably do just fine. Its accurate, reliable and easy to shoot and only 200 bucks.
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I have a Police Positive in 32 S&W caliber as well, old enough gun that it looks just like a 2/3 scale model of a similar 38 Special. Shoots well, 4” barrel IIRC. These are good little wheelguns, you can pick them up at gun shows usually for less than $300 for a good specimen. I would only use one of these on “2-legged varmints” if I didn't have something more powerful available. Right now I'm using a 77 grain round nose cast Lyman bullet. What would be cool would be a Keith type bullet. I guess any custom mould maker can make one up whenever I get around to ordering it!
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One of the better off the shelf Keith style bullets for the .32 S&W Long is the Saeco #325 98-grain SWC plainbase, or the #326 100 grain SWC bevel base. Large meplat lets the air out of Bunny Wabbits Wery Well....
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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That's a good group, Ed, did you shoot it with your Officer's Model Heavy Barrel Match?
I bet you did. What range?
Gotta check out that Saeco mould, the 98 grain ought to work well with my .32's.
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