Why can't I find a way to post pictures? I went to help and the instructions told me to open edit menu. Where is that at?
- Last Post 21 July 2018
- Topic Is Solved
Click the icon 9th along (L-R) the top of the menu bar where you are typing.
This will open a new window, select the source of the photo from your device and click OK.
Cheers from New Zealand
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the * edit * thing is for when you have already posted a message to the forum and you later decide to change it ... or add a photo ... the * edit * word will appear to the right of your old post if you go back and read your own post again ... just click on * edit * and your post will be opened in an editing window .
then you can treat it just like a new post, and change anything or add a photo as per Jeff's advice above.
you can only * edit * your own old posts ... and also in addition to * edit * there will also be a * delete * word ...
hope this helps .... if not, i will * edit * this post later ( g ) .
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None of those features appear to be supported by the forum software for Android mobile devices. I can't even edit my own post from my S9+. Reply with qoute doesn't function, either. The problem for me is the menu bar isn't there in the text box, so no tools to work with. Any suggestions?
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Warning! I have been trying to post pics taken with my Nikon Coolpix 8.1 camera. David Reiss and I fooled with this almost all day and finally he figured out that the camera takes pics which are much too many pixels to use. After a lot of effort he told me how to reduce the quality if the image so it can be e-mailed, but it is not self explanatory and I have forgotten how to do it.
The point is that the max image that my internet connection will accept is much smaller than the images from this little $1oo camera.
I used to be a pretty good photographer, but digital cameras jumped way ahead of me.
Steve K
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Before I responded to this thread I wanted to do some testing. Yesterday I had the opportunity to be around a lot of family members including nieces & nephews who have various types of phones. I was also able to test the forum on a couple of older android tablets. On each and every device the forum worked as it should. There was no issues with missing menu bars or not being able to add photos. My suggestion is to make sure your software is up to date and you clear caches often.
Otherwise you can contact me directly.
David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .
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loophole ... just in reference to the too-many-pixels to post here .... i am pretty sure on your nifty coolpix there is a menu ( probably a menu button ? ) ... where you can set image size to 640 x 400 ... these should post ok here , and make a great image for computer screens ...
... my first digital camera was only about 0.8 megapixel maximum .... and 640x400 worked fine for product web pages ...
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When I was trying to be a photographer I wanted all the resolution I could get in the image, so never bothered to find out how to create images with less pixels. I'm sure if figured out the camera I could do this. I think a camera should have only controls for the aperture, shutter speed and iso.
Steve K
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Before I responded to this thread I wanted to do some testing. Yesterday I had the opportunity to be around a lot of family members including nieces & nephews who have various types of phones. I was also able to test the forum on a couple of older android tablets. On each and every device the forum worked as it should. There was no issues with missing menu bars or not being able to add photos. My suggestion is to make sure your software is up to date and you clear caches often.
Otherwise you can contact me directly.
I figured out how to quote your post by tapping the "view post options" bar which appears directly above the user's name. That opens two bar buttons, one is "quote", the other is "report". I tapped the quote and got the same plain dialog box as always from my phone, except it was pre filled with your post in bb format. There is no toolbar anywhere on the page or in this dialog box where I'm typing. No toolbar means no editing tools, no italic option, no bold, no attach images or links, no nothing. I cannot edit a post at all once submitted because there is no button to click. I have a Samsung Galaxy S9+ that is about two months old and was just updated a week ago.
I think delmarskid is having the same issue I am and that it is simply a deficiency in the forum software with regard to the Android platform, or maybe all mobile devices. The only forum I'm on which actually functions 100% with all normal features and my phone is using Xen Foro software.
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The toolbar circled in red does not appear on the Android screen.
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Yup, but I don't know beans about software and this my first whoopee twang type of phone.
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As far as pictures being too big to post go online and type in photo resizer. There's a bunch of apps that'll do the job. Most are free and easy to use.
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All of it works just fine with my iPhone. Not being smart in this stuff, I have stayed away from Android based devices because of all of the problems with them not being compatible with older formats. They will not work with XP programs that I have 99% of my stuff saved with.
Hope you can figure it out, Ian, as there is so much stuff I would hate to lose if Android becomes the major player in data storage.
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I think a camera should have only controls for the aperture, shutter speed and iso.
Umm... Focus? Shutter release? Of course you meant those, too... and ISO was needed only for the on-board light meter, right?
It's a new day, guys, and we'll just have to learn how to operate these devices to take advantage of the convenience they provide. It's really not that hard.
Granted, we sometimes give up functionality -- for instance, one can't control depth of field on these devices -- but you couldn't with most point-and-shoot cameras of the last century, either.
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