water quenching

  • Last Post 01 October 2018
porthos posted this 30 September 2018

never tried water quenching.  so, i have a question about sizing afterwards. is the quench hardness  very thin? can i size .001-.002 and not   soften the bullet by doing so?. i don't know if the water quench hardens just the surface or the entire depth of the bullet>

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mrbill2 posted this 30 September 2018

 Water quench hardens the whole the bullet. You will not soften them by sizing. Depending how hard the bullet get will determan

 how much you can size at one time. If you need to size down .003. You my have to do it in .001 at a time.

Works for me.


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porthos posted this 30 September 2018

thats what i wanted to know.  THANKS

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pat i posted this 01 October 2018

Ivesized quenched bullets down .003 in one swipe with no problems. I use Lee sizers although I can't see how that would make a difference.

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