During a recent fishing trip I had the pleasure of using some of the "John Wayne" toilet paper that is prvided by the Forest Service etc. My question is :Has anybody tried this BLM/FS issue tp for patching?
patching material
- Last Post 18 October 2017
Bud Hyett
posted this
18 October 2017
I have seen everything from Teflon tape to ordinary notebook paper.
The two shooters I knew, both deceased, who were ardent advocates of paper-patching used Teflon tape, onionskin and tracing paper.
- One was looking for increased velocity (Teflon tape) and the other was patching (onionskin) up undersized bullets to fit odd bore sizes.
- Both used tracing paper, .002 thickness with success.
- The teflon tape stopped leading, but no accuracy. This was partially attributed to the inability to get an uniform thickness when applying.
- The onionskin worked well, many five-shot groups under two inches at velocities around 2,000 FPS.
- Tracing paper also worked well.
From my observation of their efforts, I think better quality paper will give better results.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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Ross Smith
posted this
18 October 2017
This was-is strictly tongue in cheek. Shuolda knowed somebody would take me serious. But Mr Hyett, I wish the forest service/BLM would take tour advice and use a better quality paper. Me, I patch with 2 different weights of onion skin. Thanks All, Ross
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