Patched round ball?

  • Last Post 15 May 2021
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max503 posted this 13 May 2021

What if you took a .300 round ball and layered a sheet or two of lubed printer paper over a sized and flared 30-30 case mouth, then seated the ball into the case so that it "patches" itself?  Then cut off the excess paper beyond the case mouth.  Think it would shoot good?  

I'm asking for a friend.134

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Duane Mellenbruch posted this 13 May 2021

Generally, dry paper tears.  Wet paper stretches. Loading a wet paper patched ball over a powder charge does not sound very likely to be successful.  Next question, why would a paper "patched" ball shoot better than a lubed ball that correctly fits the groove diameter?  We already know that  grouping rapidly goes away with distance.

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Squid Boy posted this 13 May 2021

Long ago, I had an opportunity to play with loading OO buck ball into a 308 case with a pistol powder. One per case and they shot very well with nothing else done. Did show a bit of leading after a few shots but quite accurate initially. I have no idea how patching would work. Good luck, Squid Boy

"Squid Pro Quo"

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Ed Harris posted this 13 May 2021

As a kid I shot many 00 buck crudely swaged and resized by drilling a 5/16" hole through an aluminum or brass plate, then countersinking the hole, smacking the buckshot through with a punch and hammer, then lightly lubricating the bullets with liquid floor wax, back in the days before Lee Liquid Alox.  Used a .22 Short case as a dip measure with Bullseye and used in any .30 cal. rifle from a .32-20 or .30 M1 carbine to a .30'06.  Never had any leading issues.  Frank Marshall showed me how.  Works in any .32 revolver too!

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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max503 posted this 13 May 2021

Generally, dry paper tears.  Wet paper stretches. Loading a wet paper patched ball over a powder charge does not sound very likely to be successful.  Next question, why would a paper "patched" ball shoot better than a lubed ball that correctly fits the groove diameter?  We already know that  grouping rapidly goes away with distance.

I would be limited to a .300 ball so I thought a patch might make up for the undersized projectile.  

I was just wondering if anyone had pursued a project like this.  I had a chance to get a .300 round ball mold cheap but I believe I'll pass.  Thanks for the replies.  The mold is at Graf's for $12 if anyone is interested.

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Brodie posted this 15 May 2021

Squid Boy I would take a mostly rag paper and size the ball down to the difference between the papers thickness and the bore of the rifle, and push it into a fired but primed case.  I guess you want it to be about .310 when done.  Dampen the paper it does not need to be sopping wet.  That should work fairly well.  Good Luck


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rhbrink posted this 15 May 2021

I would think that you have better luck with a cloth material like pillow ticking or canvas duck maybe even pocket drill. If interested send me a PM and I could send you a selection of materials that way you do have to go buy yards of stuff that doesn't work. I do think that you would be a lot better off with a .310 ball or slightly larger. 


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max503 posted this 15 May 2021

Thanks.  I think I'll occupy myself with RB loads for my 357 rifle.  The .300 mold is at Graf's if anyone is interested.

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TRKakaCatWhisperer posted this 15 May 2021

Hmmmm.  Worth spending an hour playing with.  Perhaps a cork gasket disk first, then a lube saturated paper "patch" pressing the ball into the patch into the case neck as you described.

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