Lyman 452424 BM - significance of two letter designation

  • Last Post 01 June 2024
SkinnerD posted this 29 May 2024

Howdy. Got me a Lyman 452424 BM mold, 45 cal, .452 dia, 255gn - according to Google sleuthing.

From the latter I'm also aware there are many subtle variations of this design from Lyman, let alone other manufacturers.

I'm interested in a couple of things, first the "BM" designation. e.g. I've also seen "FX" and others. Wondering what the significance is if any of the two letters?

Second, given the various Lyman iterations, from the photos are there any particular comments that can be made about the format of this particular one?

 Also stamped on the mold are the numerals " 07 554"

My intended application is as a hunting bullet from a Rossi Puma at around 1400fps.



Lyman 452424 BM

John - New Zealand

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David Reiss posted this 29 May 2024

It has been long believed that the various additional numbers and letters are attributed to production runs, cherry numbers, etc.    

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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Aaron posted this 29 May 2024

No idea really but clearly the Best Mold (BM) for your rifle bullet. 134


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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9.3X62AL posted this 30 May 2024

I am very fond of Ideal/Lyman #454424/#452454,  I have a one-cavity Ideal and a two-banger Lyman, and since they have differing design elements I keep the two in separate storage.  They both shoot VERY well in the Bisley Blackhawk 45 Colt, and in my S&W Model 625in 45 AR/ACP.  

I have no rifles in 45 Colt caliber, can't assist with that.  45 caliber sideiron pleases me greatly, and has for a long time.  

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Eutectic posted this 01 June 2024

Hi John,

That looks like a really good, well cared for used mold. 452424 is an excellent design for 45 Colt and 45 Auto Rim. What is the as-cast diameter and what alloy are you using?

I have seen many different numbers and letters on Lyman molds. Lyman has also changed basic design parameters without changing the mold number. Every time a new cherry was made things could change depending on the machinist. Diameters changed during a production run.

The only letter designation which has been consistent is U which designates an under size mold. How much undersized? Undersized only on the bands or also on a bore-ride nose? Only the cherry maker knows and he retired years ago.

In short, cast with it and find out! 


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  • 9.3X62AL
SkinnerD posted this 01 June 2024

Thanks Steve, good to hear. Have not started casting with it yet. Project coming up. I have plenty of materials for different levels of hardness from pure lead, thru wheel weights to pure linotype. Guess I'll find something works well on that continuum. I've been reading with interest the extended posts this forum re 30-30 hard cast bullets on hogs. Most of my game are thin skinned goat and deer so will be looking more for a bit of expansion from softer lead. I only shoot 45Colt from a Rossi 92 Puma, 22in. Its actually a 454Casull so lots of scope for play and discovery.

John - New Zealand

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