Lack Of Participation

  • Last Post 18 July 2024
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pat i posted this 10 July 2024

I don't understand the lack of participation on this forum. I know there has to be a lot more members than the relative handful that participate. I also know there's a lot of guys shooting, testing, and experimenting. Granted sometimes the forum software isn't the easiest to navigate but it's not insurmountable. You might think what you're doing won't interest anyone or a question you have will make you sound stupid. Believe me neither will be the case and once other people see you starting threads they might jump in too. It'd be a shame for the CBA board to decide the cash expenditure vs forum participation just isn't worth it and shuts this down. I never expect this forum to equal cast boolits (?) membershipwise but think it could become a very good resource with more people participating. If you have an idea to improve things contact the board and pass it along. Not saying anything will change but at least youll know you tried. THATS ALL FOLKS.......just my 2 cents.

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fc60 posted this 10 July 2024


I belong to several forums.

Quite often I will post test results for others to learn from and, lo and behold, there is always someone that shoots down my comments.

Lately, I start to add a comment, pause, and close the page.



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Aaron posted this 10 July 2024

Thank God it's not like the other site that can't spell bullets. It is OVERRUN with armchair experts with opinions on everything from the Big Bang to the time of the Padishar Empire in 10150 AD. There are some lively discussions on here from time to time but it seems most members keep silent while morons like me profess to know all about things. sealed

We also have a narrow scope of topics, all shooting or casting related. That other site allows discussions on anything. Attempting to make a valid post or ask a valid question there gets one overrun with absolute gibberish by people who haven't a clue of what they speak. They just speak and speak and speak and speak.

This site, to me, is a resource to be searched for information that has already been conveyed. I love to search the site to discover the coherent text on many subjects made by actual shooters, competitors, and bullet casters. Once they speak, they don't feel the need to chime in again when I post some ridiculous theory. I can hear you all chuckling though.

It is a little disheartening however to check in and see no new posts or comments on other posts for 5-7 days. I try to enliven the herd with pictures of perfect firearms like T/C Contenders. Sometimes it invokes a response. Reading about the 44-40 is fun and one realizes how much time and energy is going into maintaining that data and repository. Please keep the data coming. It's always a good read.

We are getting a lot of noob questions lately like "what's the best bullet lube to use?" What a setup right? In absolute frustration, I either avoid a response or direct them to other sources of information so they can learn the craft. It seems that Millennials do not use or understand the word "apprentice."

I also sense a general malaise among us, especially boomers. Frustration with the economy, the cost of materials, the political turmoil, and health reasons have all served to quell a normally active discussion forum. It's also too easy for folks to take offense at something said in a post when the original poster meant no offense.

Hopefully I have thumped enough heads here to get some responses. We shall see!




With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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MarkinEllensburg posted this 10 July 2024

Thanks Pat! I am on several forums, some not even firearm related and one that has an outright distaste for guns. In most of those I see a type of poster that seems to think they need to reply to every single thread weather they have any intelligent additions or not, most often not. Often those same folks are just flat wrong or give bad advice. I don't see that here, thankfully.

I wish there was more good content. I know it is being posted elsewhere.

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Aaron posted this 10 July 2024

Quite often I will post test results for others to learn from and, lo and behold, there is always someone that shoots down my comments.

If you are referencing the Schofield gumming up and the suggestion to use duplex loads, my reply was meant to point out I had been down that road with a few other guns.

A great video on 44-40 duplex loads can be seen here if you haven't already seen it. The YouTube Channel "Everything Black Powder" is a hoot to watch.




With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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pat i posted this 10 July 2024


I belong to several forums.

Quite often I will post test results for others to learn from and, lo and behold, there is always someone that shoots down my comments.

Lately, I start to add a comment, pause, and close the page.



Good post Dave. Granted you have to have thick skin to participate in forums but that shouldn't stop you or anyone else from posting. I've had my fair share of people trying to shoot down my posts or threads but if you keep your head, not my strong point admittedly, and respond either respectably or in some cases sarcastically if it's warranted you can get some good conversations going. I don't know shi-te about shooting and casting for handguns but I do play with them off and on so if someone starts a thread about working up a load for a .38 snubnose I'll read it and maybe ask a question. Might not be my cup of tea but maybe I'll learn something I didn't know. BUT not posting or starting threads is going to end up losing a lot of useful information that might be helpful to someone else.

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linoww posted this 10 July 2024

I think most CBA members (and serious experimentors ) are busy casting and shooting rather than posting in the forums.

An even here when some will share results there are  the usual suspects with no idea what  has been done.They will post responses like the poster is new to the game.



"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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pat i posted this 10 July 2024

Lol. I liked your response Aaron. You may be right on a lot of things but what's the harm in answering new guys questions that have been answered a million times. It helps them and gives the answerer an ego boost for being so smart. If I only talked about things I haven't talked about 1 million times in the past I'd never open my mouth. And you can tell by my posts I LOVE opening my mouth. A thread might start off about weighing primers and end up talking about the price of tea in China but over the course of the thread someone might gleam something that helps him or her out. I certainly can't argue about the malaise being felt by people nowadays but what better way to escape it if only for a little while than burying yourself in your hobby and sharing it. I might not be able to lower the price of a loaf of bread but maybe I can shoot a 1 inch agg someday with my pb bullet.

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muley posted this 11 July 2024

I think a question of the best bullet lube may be ok, an individual may want to know what works best for someone else, again, each gun and each bullet is different such as each of us .


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Ed Harris posted this 11 July 2024

Arron nailed it. My thoughts also. I visit the other forums too and try to help without getting involved in the drama.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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Aaron posted this 11 July 2024

Back and forth dialog is wonderful. As Ed points out, drama, is not worth the time. It’s sad to see some wonderful posts end up that way.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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pat i posted this 11 July 2024

Some might call it drama. On this forum for the most part I call it calling out BS to a BS artist. We're all grown men and women with strong opinions so expecting everyone to sit around singing Kumbaya all the time is unrealistic as far as I'm concerned. This is getting away from the point of my original post but it's my opinion. I also think a political/religious/anything goes within reason area wouldn't hurt.

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trapdoor4570 posted this 11 July 2024

A little off topic.  15 to 20 years ago the Swiss rifle site had a MAJOR crash of the server.  A lot of posts were lost but the biggest crybabies were having meltdowns because the posts counter was reset to zero.  The wailing that there post counts went from the many thousand posts on their accounts now showed zero.  Me, I had copied maybe a hundred or so threads on my hard drive.  Thought maybe I’d save them because I thought they were worthy of using hard drive space because they had REAL information.  Burned a couple of CDs and mailed to site master, got a nice thank you in reply and they showed up a couple of weeks later on the site.  So many sites are garbage and many of their users are, well you know.


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RicinYakima posted this 11 July 2024

Sorry, I never watch videos or you tube links. At my age I have a hard time dealing with the makers ego's and wasting time listening to drivel. WRITE! so I can at least have my time back. 

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Bud Hyett posted this 11 July 2024

I too have been wondering at the lack of participation in the recent months. I've gained knowledge about casting, sizing, powder selection and shooting competition here. Here I've received good thoughts and answers to the questions I've asked. I have been and will continue to be an ardent fan and sometimes contributor to this Forum.

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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shjoe posted this 11 July 2024

this site and its members have a wealth of knowledge. i always tune in while having my morning coffee. be well

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rhbrink posted this 11 July 2024

I'm guilty as most for not posting, almost every morning I check this forum out while having my morning coffee. There is a lot of interesting stuff talked about but not much that I have experience with. I'm mostly a plain base breech seating type guy, love them falling block single shots! The thread that pat i. has started with the 30-06 plain base fixed has been interesting and has me thinking that I need to get my 38-55 BPCR rifle out and see what I can do with that shooting fixed plain base bullets at CBA targets. 


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Wilderness posted this 11 July 2024

I too was starting to think the traffic was getting dangerously thin. My hope is that there might be at least one new item each morning.

Pat has prompted me to to put up another post by way of keeping things moving, although I fear members may eventually get thoroughly sick of hearing about .30-30 cast bullets and pigs!

You are only as good as your library.

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Urny posted this 11 July 2024

Wilderness, .30-30 is endlessly fascinating to some of us, whether the target be paper, pigs, deer, raccoons, groundhogs or just clay birds on the target backstop. I would be saddened if you, and anyone else who loves the old round, were to stop posting about your shooting and loading adventures with it.

My posting participation is limited by the much curtailed time I can devote to shooting, reloading and casting by health issues, mine and my wife's. I suspect there is a lot of that at play here.

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longhunter posted this 11 July 2024

I was instructed in the Army there are no dumb questions!  

That is still true.  Ask or post about something you did or doing others will benefit from it!

I have been helped here so many times.

Thanks to those who post.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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Tom Acheson posted this 11 July 2024

Pat launched an interesting topic. All of us have different approaches to the subject. 

I don't spend all of my time casting and shooting. I take time to read about things others are doing, trying and succeeding at. This shooting thing is a life long learning experience, not a career nor and outlet to seek the approbation of others.

I trust the attitude and behavior of those on this site much more than the mis-spelled site. Too many self appointed experts over there. Haven't visited it for quite some time.




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