I 25-35 dies,bullets and brass to sell,also 6mm Remington ammo,don't know if I can ship ammo.I don't even know how to get paid.I might buy a 6mm rim. rifle then I would not need to ship ammo.If interested call 620 795 2257 David (nosee)
Items to sell
- Last Post 01 December 2024
Buy the rifle.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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I'm with Bud. Probably less of a hassle to just but a rifle and use your ammo. I do not use digital payment methods at all anymore like Vimeo, PayPal, and others. If smaller vendors won't take a check or process a real CC, then to heck with them. I can't even delete my PayPal account due to their new rules. One must provide all kinds of personal information now to PayPal to even delete an account. It's utter BS and very invasive. I smell government (IRS) skullduggery there to track digital transactions.
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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For ammo purchases on Gunbroker many sellers prefer USPS Money Orders and I have used these frequently. Protects both buyer and seller. MO fee is less than credit card fees. Most ship ammo FedEx these days.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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I'm with Bud. Probably less of a hassle to just but a rifle and use your ammo. I do not use digital payment methods at all anymore like Vimeo, PayPal, and others. If smaller vendors won't take a check or process a real CC, then to heck with them. I can't even delete my PayPal account due to their new rules. One must provide all kinds of personal information now to PayPal to even delete an account. It's utter BS and very invasive. I smell government (IRS) skullduggery there to track digital transactions.
You are right about the IRS . I had in the past got a notice that since they went on their own from Ebay . that the IRS want them to keep track because of taxes , because of too many sales is being done online and the state sale tax is not collected and also those that sells been use it for extra income and not pay on the income tax.
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