
  • Last Post 07 December 2018
alco posted this 05 December 2018

Has anyone shot PRB with their inline rifle ?

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onondaga posted this 05 December 2018

Please define "PRB". the only shooting reference to PRB in my search was "Precision Rifle Blog". What, specifically, are you asking about and what do you want to achieve?


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Maven posted this 05 December 2018

Gary, He means "patched round ball" and asked that question earlier today on another forum.  (I already answered him there.)

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Ross Smith posted this 06 December 2018

Give it a try. Usually the rifling is much too fast and also too shallow. Get somebody to give you a few rb to try and use a mild plinking load, say 30gr ffg.

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GP Idaho posted this 06 December 2018

I've tried patched round ball in my 50cal fast twist  Mustang. Shoots about on par with my 20ga. smooth bore shooting .562 RB in a wad. Neither are anything to brag about.  Gp

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delmarskid posted this 07 December 2018

My nef 50 didn't do well with them

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Larry Gibson posted this 07 December 2018

I've shot a lot of PRBs in my 28" twist 50 cal  TC Blk Mtn Magnum. It's not an inline but made for saboted bullets with 150 gr loads.

My initial testing was at 50 yards and I found a load of fffg giving 2100 fps gave raged 1 to 1.5" five shot groups at 50 yards.  However when tested at 100 yards the group was more like 16 - 20"!  The RBs were just spun to fast at that velocity.  Baking it off I found the RBs would hold to 100 yards if the velocity was kept under 1800 fps.  I use 80 gr(V) Triple 7 fffg under a tightly patched .490" RB (180 gr) which gives 1785 fps and holds 3" at 100 yards.


Concealment is not cover.........

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