Great Bunny Shoot Results June 2019

  • Last Post 29 June 2019
Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 24 June 2019

First let us thank you all for joining us in this fun shoot.  The main goal was to exercise a few old guns that don't get enough attention in more serious competition;  that certainly happened; just take look at the variety of loads reported !!   Check these over and pm me if i made any mistakes.   We hope you had as much fun as we did with this, and let us know if you would like to go another round in the future.

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Order By: Standard | Newest | Votes
Fitzpatrick posted this 24 June 2019

I really enjoyed the shoot and looking forward to the next .Thank to all involved in putting this on

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JeffinNZ posted this 24 June 2019

Awesome results.  Great event. 

Cheers from New Zealand

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longhunter posted this 27 June 2019

A Big Thank you Jim for a Fun well run  match.  I hope you do it again next spring.

So whats next?

We all want to know.



Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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GWarden posted this 28 June 2019


Ken & Jim thanks for doing all the work for the match. Good thing those bunnies are prolific breeders, their population took a pretty good hit with this match.


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Carl Pegg posted this 28 June 2019

Yes, many thanks for the work Jim and Ken put in hosting this shoot. It was great fun and really nice getting off the bench and into field positions. Also my first time shooting with sticks. Why have I not used sticks before? Let's do another shoot soon!

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Ross Smith posted this 29 June 2019

Thank you all, I and my friend had a great time,now if I can just get him to join

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