when my dad died, he had a TC Contender in a 14" factory muzzle brake in 7x30 Waters. now it is mine and i don't have issue with 7x30 Waters...i loathe the muzzle brake!!!! so i was going put to on a 10" barrel in 45 Colt, but i thought a 357 Herrett would be the bee's knees. so i bought a TC Contender 10" barrel in 30 Herrett from an auction.
i got like 400 new pcs of 30-30 starline brass (i bought 500 pcs for the 35/30-30) and they are in my drawer, waiting. now i'm on the lookout for 30 Herrett dies. i about choked when i seen the price of jacketed bullets. sheesh, i'll use cast boolits, thank you very much.
the 10" barrel comes with open sights and i will see if i can use them. my eyes ain't what they used to be. (nearsightedness but i have prescription glasses)
i was cruisin' around on e-don't-say-it-y and i bought a cheap set of old Lee 30 Herrett dies, it was either that or buy new dies for $100.
i'll use it to hunt close cover deer (150lbs +/-), 60 yards and under (30-40yards is average). i am thinking of hollow point and since i don't have a mold, i think i'll buy the boolits. the 30 Herrett will shoot a 130gr gc hp or a 150gr gc rnhp boolits. i'll load it at 1700-1900fps.
would you either choose the 130gr or the 150gr?
30 caliber 130 grain gas check hollow point lead bullets [30-130-HP-GC-309] - $19.14 : GT Bullets!, Fine Hand Cast Lead Bullets
30 caliber 150 grain gas check hollow point lead bullets [30-150-HP-309-rifle] - $20.80 : GT Bullets!, Fine Hand Cast Lead Bullets