You truly have too much stuff when you find a new, unused item you not only didn't know you had but don't recall ordering...
While looking for an old .357 die today, I found an Eagan taper die. I ordered an Eagan MX3 -30ARD mould about twenty-five years ago. It's been my favorite .30 cal. mould design for a couple of .308 rifles for quite some time. I apparently ordered the taper die, marked only "Eagan 30T" at the same time I purchased the mould.
After examining this mould, I think I've figured out how it works. However, for those who use these taper dies, are there any special tips? I have the old Eagan catalog and one thing it mentions is that the bullet should be well-lubed before inserting in the die. Thank you all for any advice or suggestions.