30/40 Krag

  • Last Post 12 May 2024
beagle6 posted this 06 May 2024

Does anyone cast 220 grain round nose bullets for a Krag, if so, I'd like to hear about your experience.


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MP1886 posted this 06 May 2024

Do you mean a bullet like the Lyman 311284 for an example?

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Bud Hyett posted this 06 May 2024

The 311284 worked well in the two .30-'06 Springfield issue rifles. Principally shot Reloder #7 and Linotype alloy for velocities above 1700 feet-per-second. Shot reduced range high-power at 100, 200 and 300 yards with these loads with good scores when I lived in Southern California.

Note: Twice tried actual 600 yards at Edson Range in Camp Pendleton with bad results. Too much velocity variation at that range caused vertical stringing.

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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RicinYakima posted this 06 May 2024

Yep, 311284 is the standard bullet in my put together Krag. But it has a 2 groove 03A3 barrel at .308" groove, so no experience with original barrels. 

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beagle6 posted this 06 May 2024


Yes, my thinking is the long Krag throat might like a round nose 220 grain  bullet  since that is what it was designed for. BUD Hyett pretty much answered my question.



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Boschloper posted this 07 May 2024

I shoot 311284 in my 2 groove 03A3 with good results. So far 20 gr of 2400 has been the best. 

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Ed Harris posted this 07 May 2024

I had much better results in my 1896 Krag with the same NOE clone of #314299 that I use in the .303 British. Many Krag throats and barrels run large. I used bullets cast of 50-50 linotype and plumbers lead, sized .314 with Lee Allox-beeswax, 30 grains of 4895 and 1 grain Dacron fill tucked loosely into case neck, positioned by the seated bullet. I never shot past 200 yards but 4-5 inch, ten-shot groups were possible on a good day.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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MP1886 posted this 07 May 2024


Yes, my thinking is the long Krag throat might like a round nose 220 grain  bullet  since that is what it was designed for. BUD Hyett pretty much answered my question.




beagle  I shot the 311284 from the Krag and a bunch of 03 Springfields  in addition to the 314299.  Both shot excellent.  I was shooting around 1800 fps using slow powders.  All at 100 yards with groups 3/4 inches.  I did shoot the Krag at 200 yards also and it equally well at that distance too.

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lotech posted this 07 May 2024

I've seen at least slightly accuracy results with the #314299 in most .30 caliber chamberings including the .30-40, but the #311284 wil work. 

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Rich/WIS posted this 07 May 2024

Shot the 311284 in my 96 Krag sporter at relatively low velocity, about 1500-1600fps.  As accurate as I was capable of but never shot beyond the 100 yards our range was set up for.  IIRC alloy was approximately 89-8-3, sized at .310 backed by 10 grs of Blue Dot.  Was happy with that loading as it was easy on the gun and my shoulder. 

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GWarden posted this 07 May 2024

I have had best results with the Lyman 284 in my 30/40. Use imr4227. Have used it in the past in the CPA postal for 200yd, did well with it.



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4060may posted this 07 May 2024

I have 3 rifles chambered in 30-40, No3 Ruger, 19895 Winchester clone, Martini with a 2 groove 03 barrel installed.

I shoot mostly Silhouette with the rifles, 200 yd stuff with the Martini and the 1895, I have been shooting the Cast Bullet match at Ridgway since 1990, when I picked up the No.3 Ruger

311284 was tried first, not bad to 300M, didn't work past that, 314299, works best in this rifle at 500M, Varget powder, 2100fps for Rams, recoil is a beast with an 8# rifle, I tried most of the 30 cal bullets , recommended to me, ended up with the RCBS 30-180-sp, for each gun as best, the 1895 and the Martini worked best with Reloder 7, the Ruger worked with Unique, about 1750 Chrono, I won't say the amount, especially for the original Krag Rifles

I held the Turkey record for awhile 14/15, Bob King  (Rip)beat me with 15/15

I had an original, I think one of the NRA, Sporters, Shot well, was worth more than I paid, sold it, I was always afraid I would mix up my ammo from the Ruger

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MP1886 posted this 07 May 2024

I have 3 rifles chambered in 30-40, No3 Ruger, 19895 Winchester clone, Martini with a 2 groove 03 barrel installed.

I shoot mostly Silhouette with the rifles, 200 yd stuff with the Martini and the 1895, I have been shooting the Cast Bullet match at Ridgway since 1990, when I picked up the No.3 Ruger

311284 was tried first, not bad to 300M, didn't work past that, 314299, works best in this rifle at 500M, Varget powder, 2100fps for Rams, recoil is a beast with an 8# rifle, I tried most of the 30 cal bullets , recommended to me, ended up with the RCBS 30-180-sp, for each gun as best, the 1895 and the Martini worked best with Reloder 7, the Ruger worked with Unique, about 1750 Chrono, I won't say the amount, especially for the original Krag Rifles

I held the Turkey record for awhile 14/15, Bob King  (Rip)beat me with 15/15

I had an original, I think one of the NRA, Sporters, Shot well, was worth more than I paid, sold it, I was always afraid I would mix up my ammo from the Ruger


Sound like another good rifle for you would be the Finn 39.  It loves the 314299.  I had one and it was very very accurate with that bullet.  Heavy rifle too and recoil is nil. 

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Backofthehill posted this 12 May 2024

Bob King in CT was a family friend and a reloading mentor of mine.

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