Well as some of you all know blood will rust the metal on a gun fast. Water will rust the metal on a gun as well but not as fast. If you end up getting blood on your guns metal at the range and do not have access to some water and soap to wash it off rite away to protect the metal, pour some diet coke on the area and the blood will dissolve away. It looks like hydrogen peroxide with out the dmg or burning. Or if you are on a hunting trip and you get blood on your gun either yours or the animal you shot, if the blood is not cleaned off soon it will start doing its dmg. Pouring a small amount of diet coke ( or any soda with carbonation in it I think ) will neutralize the blood proteins which eats at your metal finish.
Works equally well on your skin and clothes. Takes less soda if blood has not dried on the clothes.
GOD, United States of America, US Marine Corps, Family, Self