Remember when Vhitavouri powders first appeared and they were so expensive?
Alliant Powder Reloder 10-X - 1lb $71.20
VihtaVuori Powder - N133 - 1lb $48.10
I'm trying some VV powder for the first time.
Remember when Vhitavouri powders first appeared and they were so expensive?
Alliant Powder Reloder 10-X - 1lb $71.20
VihtaVuori Powder - N133 - 1lb $48.10
I'm trying some VV powder for the first time.
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I had really good success with N133 in my 30 PPC, XP-100. My Savage .308 liked N135. This was in the 2006 era. That brand became difficult to find and the prices were scary. So I drifted off to "less expensive powders".
Your listed powder costs might encourage me to go back to the European powders.
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English longbows are looking pretty good right now!
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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I think Pat's got the right idea - drop the gas checks and use a pinch of powder. I have a Schuetzen rifle that I haven't played with since the '80s, maybe I should get it back out.
Until then I have some N-110 that I'm trying in the 270 and 30-06. Burn rate is supposed to be around 4759/4227. Fingers crossed.
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Until then I have some N-110 that I'm trying in the 270 and 30-06. Burn rate is supposed to be around 4759/4227. Fingers crossed. - Glenn
With the looming shortage of Alliant #2400, I contacted VihtaVuori about using N-110 or N-120 because I have several pounds of each. They replied suggesting N-340 as better choice. The text and loading data are below:
We are glad to forward our unpublished VihtaVuori Load Data for use with the .30-06 Springfield using the Lyman 311299 LRNGC 205gr bullet with our line of VihtaVuori powders.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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I'm trying N340, based on VVs response to Bud. I have not tried it in .30-06 yet. Using it for mild loads in .44 Magnum rifle, where it works very nicely. Very fine extruded grains, it measures very well. Do you suppose they have N340 data for any other cartridges, .30-30 say?
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Weird. When I read Bud's post on my phone I can see the data, on my laptop I can not?????????????????
John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.
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Not showing data on my phone. N110 has been really good for my 223 loads as well. With VV about 2/3rds of the others, it's looking good now.
Scott Ingle
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Bud, I'm not seeing the info from VV, could you paste it in as text? Thanks!
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Yeah. A couple of us at some of the military rifle shoots were talking about this. I remember when VV powders were the real expensive stuff. Now. It’s the bargain stuff. I hope to get some more before more people realize the same.
I have tried VV110, 120, and 130 in 7.62x54r, 7.5 Swiss, and 30-06 w/ cast. VV110 didn’t do to well, 120, was a little better, and 130 was the best out of those three powders.
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I can’t read Bud’s info either. Just the intro from VV and then a question mark in a blue box.
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N340 worked OK in my .41 Mag revolver loads. Eventually ran out of it.
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Here in Norway, Vihtavuori powders are very popular, and generally available. N110 happens to be my favourite cast bullet powder, I shoot it a lot, and have done so for a few years now. It requires no filler, and works well both in bitter cold, and a hot summer day with no surprises.
For lubed, GC bullets of typical -for- caliber weight:
.222 Rem +/-12grs .223 Rem +/- 13 grs 6,5x55 +/- 16grs 30/30 +/- 15grs .308 +/- 18grs .30-06 +/- 19grs
...just a few pointers.
I shoot a lot of plain-based PC bullets, they are remarkably resilient and typically work with the above loads +5-10%
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Thanks Henrik! I'm trying 17, 18 & 19 grs. with a 185 gr. bullet in the 30-06 next time out. Good to know I'm "in the ballpark."
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I cannot get the VV N-340 image to display, it is a *.PNG file which may be the problem.
Anyone wanting the VV N-340 data, drop me your email in the private message function and I'll forward the data to you.
I'll also send the email address of the person responding.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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I converted the table Bud sent to .jpeg format. I'll see if it pastes in.
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Good luck Glenn. Hope it works out for you. Let us know how it works out.
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Thank you Glenn and Pat. Nice info from You and VV!!!!
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In the 1970's the USMC pistol team settled on VihtaVouri 310 in their 45 ACP match loads after comparing virtually everything available . This got me interested. I am currently working up 9mm Luger match loads with cast bullets. The best groups are with VV310!
I have good cast bullet loads using VV320 in several pistol calibers. One of the features of VV pistol powders is the small grain size which makes them measure like water.
Several years ago, when US made powder was almost unobtainable, my supplier could easily get VV powders. The prices were steep so it is nice to know the exchange rate is better and we can get these excellent powders at good prices.
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