Casting & Loading Weekend

  • Last Post 08 October 2024
Aaron posted this 06 October 2024

I had a marvelous weekend casting first, and then loading up some 38-55 Win, 44-40, 41 Magnum, and 44 Magnum cartridges.

I started casting with the Lee 379-250-RF Mold for the 38-55 M94 rifle as well as the Uberti 1855 SS Rifle. This bullet works exceptionally well in either rifle. The M94 eats the 2.085" brass and the 1885 SS likes the 2.125" brass best. I have been using IMR-3031 for smokeless but the rifles really like BP best. This Lee bullet really shines in either rifle as well as the Super 14" barrel for the T/C Contender. Good bullet. Very happy with it.

Next up was the Lee 429-200-RF for the 44-40 revolvers and rifles. Again, a nice bullet with good grease grooves for either smokeless lube or BP lube. This mold works well enough so I don't need to get a BP bullet mold. I'll leave well enough alone and simply change lubes depending on the propellant. Lately, I have been using Paul Matthews Black Powder Premium + lube for smokeless and BP loads. Stuff works great! Now if one of you has an extra BP mold or wants to be shed of a BP mold for the 44-40, drop me a line.

Then......came the SSK molds for the 41 and the 44 Magnums. These are the heavyweight bullet molds made for SSK (J.D. Jones) by N.E.I. These molds cast bullets that are hog killing pills for sure. The 41 Magnum (275411-SSK) is a J.D. Jones designed bullet that casts out at 288 grains in Lyman #2 alloy. It will flat anchor a white tail deer and I have also used it on feral hogs. It drills and drills. I haven't cast these molds in almost 20 years since I have enough cartridges loaded up from before. With that supply getting low, I figured I would fire up these two molds again.

Up next was the 310429-SSK mold by N.E.I for SSK Industries. It casts a 325 grain bullet in Lyman #2 alloy. I have used this bullet in the 44 Magnum to take numerous feral hogs and a couple of larger Russian Boar. This bullet in the 44 Mag is a real powerhouse. With H110 powder, it is a handful. I am trying Shooters World Heavy Pistol powder in both the 41 and 44 Mag cartridges to evaluate it. No load data exists for the 41 Magnum so I had to use "The Force."

I also cast up some bullets for the 44 Magnum (Cowboy Load level) using the Lee 429-240-2R mold. It casts a real nice steel ringer bullet for the 44 Special or 44 Magnum. With Trail Boss at 800 fps, it's a pleasure to shoot.

Casting went real well. Got on a roll and nothing went belly up. I even did the whole session with a ladle pour and didn't use the bottom feed off the pot once. I was amazed it went so well. I just may become a ladle pour fan in the future. Bullets filled out well too. Hum. There may be something to it.

L-R: The Lee 379-250-RF, The SSK 275-411, The SSK 310-429

L-R: The 44-40 with the Lee bullet, 41 Magnum with SSK bullet, 44 Magnum with SSK bullet, and the 44 Magnum with the Lee 429-240 Bullet


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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pat i posted this 06 October 2024

Aaron that was a great post. I'll say one thing for ya, you sure cast a pretty bullet. Not to be confused with the famous Deliverence quote "ya sure got a pretty mouth"

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linoww posted this 06 October 2024

nice post.ladle does make beautiful bullets.

I like that Lee 44-240  RN bullet as well. it's great in my Martini  41 Swiss rifle as well as my Redhawk. 



"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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Aaron posted this 07 October 2024

Aaron that was a great post. I'll say one thing for ya, you sure cast a pretty bullet. Not to be confused with the famous Deliverence quote "ya sure got a pretty mouth"

Just SMH...

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 07 October 2024

nice post.ladle does make beautiful bullets.

I like that Lee 44-240  RN bullet as well. it's great in my Martini  41 Swiss rifle as well as my Redhawk. 

It just looks like a real bullet! Thanks for the kind words too.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Tom Acheson posted this 07 October 2024

Nice photos!

I'll be doing a similar undertaking soon.

Have to cast up some .22, .375 and .41 bullets (for the Sharps Model 74). The tumble a lot of cases and then annealing. Good thing there are no matches this time of year!

I had (2) SSK .41 molds, about 285 grains, one using a gc, the other not. JD Jones was involved with Handgun Hunters Intl.....I think. I used his mold to take several WY Mule deer, in my S&W Model 57, using old WW 680 powder. People don't usually believe you can use that heavy of a bullet in a .41 Mag.


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Aaron posted this 07 October 2024

SSK Industries (J.D.Jones) was the home of the original Handgun Hunters Int. The club produced "The SixGunner" as the newsletter. I had many a fine hunt with HHI in Ohio at White Oak Lodge run by Eddie Potts and his lovely wife (Sherry I think). She made the best peach cobbler for desert.

We had many a fine time with J.D. on these hunts. His snoring however would raise the dead. I spent most nights in the truck to try and get some sleep. One year I decided to hunt boar with a 10mm Delta Elite. J.D just laughed. I took that as a sign and borrowed a 44 Magnum that year. We also loved the tour of SSK Industries and peeking into their vault. needed corrective underwear to walk in there.  All those barrels and frames!

And yes, the J.D Jones designed bullets in 41 and 44 are butt kicking bullets. The 41 bullet works fine in the 411-JDJ as well as the 41 Magnum. They are EXCELLENT bullets. They may not fit into all handguns and rifles but good Lord they work well on game.

Here is a shot on one of those long weekends peeking into the vault at SSK.

And here is the legendary J.D. Jones attempting to chamber a 50BMG in his nasal cavities.

Man we used to have good times on those HHI hunts.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Tom Acheson posted this 07 October 2024

PS. Forgot to note…. In the constant threat to downsize and attempting to clean out the garage, I ran across a Lee .41 240-grain single cavity mold. It NEVER shot… it now resides in the dumpster. Unlike some who visit here, I am not a fan of Lee molds. Their other products maybe, but not the molds. I know others will disagree on the molds but that’s OK.


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Aaron posted this 07 October 2024

If it is a tumble lube bullet, good riddance. I am not a fan of those bullets. I have their 41-195 bullet which shoots OK. Don't recall a 240gr mold from them as an offering. Without that old mold selection chart showing all the molds available, we will have the dickens of a time recalling their offerings. Oh well.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Tom Acheson posted this 08 October 2024


No worries! For me Lee molds are in the rear view mirror. My preferences are for custom molds Paul Jones, Steve Brooks and Accurate. Production molds Saeco and RCBS. Have to narrow down the list so I did.

I used to save my copies of JD’s HHI newsletter but they are long gone now. There is only so much room for storing stuff.


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Shopdog posted this 08 October 2024

HHI's Sixgunner "reprint" is available as a free online subscription. Not savvy enough to post a link but it's easy to find.

Mine comes every other month. Don't read the whole issue but there's always a cpl articles of interest.

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Aaron posted this 08 October 2024

HHI's Sixgunner "reprint" is available as a free online subscription. Not savvy enough to post a link but it's easy to find. Mine comes every other month. Don't read the whole issue but there's always a cpl articles of interest.

Thanks for the heads up Brian! I found this new reconstituted HHI while searching around for old copies of the "Sixgunner" online. I hope it lasts a while.

For those with an interest: Handgun Hunters International


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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