Cast for 7mm TCU----10'' Contender

  • Last Post 27 November 2017
Richard Pickering posted this 22 November 2017

How many would share their load development and results for the very popular 7--TCU ?

I have an iron sighted 10'' and a scope sighted 10''. At present each gets the RCBS 145-Sil, usually at least 80% WW and 20% Lino; water quenched. I use these in IHMSA big bore. Of course the iron sights gets Production; the Scoped (2.5---8x Leupold) goes for Practical Hunter, but could serve as a secondary in Unl--Any Sights.  RP

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David Reiss posted this 23 November 2017

I have some loads I can share. Not at home right now, but when I return, I will post them for you. My experience is with a 14" scoped barrel.

David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .

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argie1891 posted this 24 November 2017

I did a lot of shooting with the 10 inch 7tcu in the late 70's and early 80's. I do have a lot of data for it but I have company and don't have time to look for the book it is in. I do know that the rcbs bullet you are using is the same one I used and is very accurate. For a nice light load for plinking you can use the rcbs bullet with 7 gr. of unique for 1250 fps.  I used mostly h335 as it was a lower priced powder at that time. When the 7 tcu first came out I was told to just fill the case with 4895 powder and go shoot it. I never shot a match but it was real popular in my area at the time. it is amazing how the recoil of the 30-30 with the same velocity and weight bullet has much greater recoil. When I got my crony I found some of my loads were over 2,000 fps the pressure was probably on the high side but my pistol is still as tight as when it was new. 

if you think you have it figured out then you just dont understand

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Richard Pickering posted this 24 November 2017

Thanks, Argie.  I have used 4895, Acc 2520, 4227, 5744, a couple of others. Presently I use Varget. Varget is a little slow and doesn't quite completely burn. But----I think it gives a smoother recoil pulse. Maybe I just ''think it does''. There is more to powder selection than ''what gives the highest velocity''.

I look at pressure given for a particular powder, its continued availability, recoil pulse and versatility. Regarding the comparison to the 30-30; the 7mm casing applies force to an area defined by .378'' diameter whereas the 30-30 casehead is about .506''. rp

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argie1891 posted this 24 November 2017

I must be getting old as I cling to the powders that have been on the market for 50 years. 5744 is a powder I have used and really haven't had good results with it. Yes I know some shooters think it is just the ticket in large caliber cast bullet shooting. Varget is another powder I have never used. if you are after high velocity I think you would do well to try H335 blc2 or maybe even 2230. I no longer care how fast a bullet is going as long as it will get 100 yards and penetrate both sides of a piece of paper. Less is more for me as the arthritis in my hands hurt with high recoil. Almost  all of my shooting now is with cast bullets and light loads. seems anything 1,000 fps and up that shoots small groups is all I am after. Hunting is much easier for me than it used to be. my sons drive me to a place to hunt... I shoot the deer and they do all the work. what more could I ask for. 

if you think you have it figured out then you just dont understand

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frnkeore posted this 24 November 2017

I shot the 7mm TCU, in a Rem XP100 from '88 to '92. I still have the pistol. It has a 15" Douglas barrel, threaded & chambered by Douglas. 

It has a shorter throat than a TC. My top pressures where 1 gr less than the top TC loads.

I shot some jacketed in the 140 to 145 gr range and he RCBS 145. My best loads with the RCBS were 28 gr, 2460, 2247 fps, 7.8 SD. 27 gr, 4895, 2091 fps, 16 SD. 28 gr 2520, 2152 fps, 15.9 SD. All top loads in my XP but, I'm sure the TC could use 1 gr more for the same pressures.


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Richard Pickering posted this 24 November 2017

Thanks for the input. I don't need high velocity. I only need enough to have the bullet arrive at the 200m line with 1150 to 1200fps. I like a smooth recoil roll like a singles action revolver.  I'm interested in your accuracy findings. rp

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frnkeore posted this 27 November 2017

First two pictures are the RCBS 145 (it casts 150 with a GC in my alloy).

First with AA2520, second with 27 gr 4895. The third is 27 gr 4895, using a pulled 139 gr FMJ bullets from surplus military rounds.

I also have a target that I shot when fire forming my brass, with the same Milsurp bullets, it shot 5 into .60 at 50 yards, using 15.5 gr 296. 1800 fps+


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BigMan54 posted this 27 November 2017

I shot the LYMAN #287405-155gr, 50/50 Linotype/WW , quenched, Over 20grs of SR-4759. All lube grooves filled & the bottom 2 then cleaned of lube. Seated out to barely engage the rifling. Unfortunately NOT a load that give a revolver type roll back recoil. More of a slam, jerk up as all my Contender loads/barrels do.


Long time Caster/Reloader, Getting back into it after almost 10yrs. Life Member NRA 40+yrs, Life S.A.S.S. #375. Does this mean a description of me as a fumble-fingered knuckle-draggin' baboon. I also drool in my sleep. I firmly believe that true happiness is a warm gun. Did I mention how much I HATE auto-correct on this blasted tablet.

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