BS-The Shooter-

  • Last Post 14 August 2018
joeb33050 posted this 11 August 2018


FL The Shooter


To check myself, on, 8/10/18, using a Hoppes front rest and decent bags, BSA Martini 12/15, 5-shot 100-yard groups; GECO ctgs, 9 groups avg. 1.022”. I’ve been shooting from the bench since 1960, am now old and shaky. I call every shot, and at a guess, half of my shots go off when the cross hairs are not “perfectly” aligned with the center of the target. I believe that the shooter’s ability does NOT affect accuracy with group averages > 1”-1.5”.


Threshold: A shooter who can reliably shoot < 1.5” groups with a 1” capable rifle.


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frnkeore posted this 11 August 2018

Follow through and concentration, behind the stock, is one of the most important things, in BR shooting.

Group sizes with a <1 gun, can almost double with out it and with some, triple.


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  • R. Dupraz
Tom Acheson posted this 11 August 2018

So true!

Bench technique isn’t quite everything but just about. The key is doing what you find works best for YOU....consistently for every shot. Easy to say but hard to do. All the other “stuff” takes a back seat to bench technique. Some people would say time is better spent developing and practicing your bench technique and spend less time at the loading bench and related machinations. Excellent guns and well developed handloading skills and components/loads are are nice, but....hard to argue with that observation.


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  • R. Dupraz
R. Dupraz posted this 11 August 2018

Without any doubt to both of the above!

Consistency in the fundamentals. Especially follow through and trigger control. Only takes one shot to ruin a group and they can be disgustingly wide sometimes when the concentration goes south.

And that's no BS



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Ross Smith posted this 12 August 2018

Ted Williams, remember him? He said the three most important things to his success  were"practice,practice, practice"

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GWarden posted this 12 August 2018

I agree with what is being said about the "shooter", and it is the one factor that is often avoided. Some people are just better shots than others. We can have the best of everything in equipment but if we are not consistent in our shooting techniques, it doesn't matter what we have . I know I have days where it just doesn't feel as good as other days , and it shows up in my groups. I went from shooting 5 shot groups to 10 shot groups, mainly for seeing where I was not being consistent. Agree 100% with Ross, practice, practice, practice; but we must make sure we are using proper techniques and set up. Example of a little thing that can make a big difference in group. If your finger is not always in the same position on the trigger, and not coming straight back on the trigger from shot to shot, groups will not be consistent. If I happen to let my trigger finger get off to the side of the trigger for a shot, the shot on the target will make me aware of what has happened.


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Brodie posted this 12 August 2018


I could not agree with you more.  All too often I have seen (and been guilty of) people blaming their equipment on poor performance:  "This load isn't fast enough to ......." ." My sights are off that must be why I missed",  " The scope on this rifle is bad (third scope he has put on that rifle.  All bad.)",  Triggers, ammo, glasses, whatever they can think of to keep them from saying that: "I THE SHOOTER MISSED.".  It is most probably ego, but inexperience and just plain stupidity get in there also. 

The only group I have ever seen that did the least of this was lobster divers on the West Coast.  You could only use your gloved hands and had little else to blame for missing that big bug.


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Tom Acheson posted this 14 August 2018

Reminds me of days long ago. I used to really enjoy shooting billiards/pool. It was kind of strange and frustrating....just before the cue tip struck the cue ball, you was going to be a good shot or a miss.

Similar to shooting? You get the scope aimed at the desired target location, look at the flags, look through the scope, flags again, and the scope and then....squeeze. But just as your mind says "squeeze" the crosshairs move ever so slightly but you cam't stop yourself...just like you couldn't stop your pool shot. Darned!



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