Wind flags

  • Last Post 21 April 2014
R Dupraz posted this 13 March 2013

I am in the market for some wind flags, either “ready made” or some plans where I can fabricate my own.

An extensive search of the internet and shooting forums haven't turned up much for decent plans of anything so far. Have been looking at “Graham wind flags” which appear to look pretty good. And, realistically, by the time I get everything that is needed to build some, don't think the cost would be much different.

Any ideas plans, etc. would be helpful. Thanks


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 13 March 2013

when i wuz shooting bench rimfire, wind reading was everything with those dang round little bullets ... we used 3 flags in 50 yards !!

i had my production cnc stuff , so had some fun favorites were a sharp metal stick in the ground, with a foot pusher ... a six inch long, ball-bearinged delrin spinner stick on top, with a owl-eye cheap bubble level sunk into it ( protection deep ) ...a cross hole with an arrow shaft from a arrow maker supply ...  then on the arrow tip almost anything light... we used mostly surveyer's tape.  oh, keep the ground stick short enough to shoot over if firing lanes are crowded ...  on the arrow shaft rear, we put a ... ” fletching ” to catch the wind, painted black one side, white on reverse ... then the fletching showed direction, the angle of the tape showed velocity ... the bubble levels were so the spinners spun easily ... i bot the bubbles by the box ...$3 each at the time ...

an alternate to the simple ground sticks were music stand bases ...3 legged ... but i preferred the sticks ...

guess what works almost as well ...   a stupid sharp ground stick with a piece of yarn ... tend to wrap around the stick on a gusty day ... but cheap, fast, light ... and you can make a dozen of these in an hour.

no end to the variety ...  ken

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R Dupraz posted this 13 March 2013


That's a fact for sure. When on the line, out front looks like a mulicolored Sherwood forest of twirling,twisting, spinning, flapping, flipping dodads. I am still not convinced that all of these devices are not planted out there for the sole purpose of confusing the rest of us poor ignorant knaves. And am pretty sure that I won't live long enough to figure all this wind business out.

However, after being s**ked into this game some years ago and having run out of things to try, decided to do like the Romans do and try my own luck at confusing, probably mostly me.

Some of my co-conspiritors are quite good at reading the flags and I have lost some points by not noticing just a basic wind change.

So. thought that I would give some flags a try this summer.


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onondaga posted this 13 March 2013

I prefer a simple streamer on a stick and like a 2” wide X 48 inch long bright international blue ripstop nylon streamer on a stick that places the streamer at the same height as the bulls eye.  I like one at 50 yards, 100, 200 300 etc about 6 feet to the left or right of line of sight to the target.


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linoww posted this 14 March 2013

I think a pin-wheel of sorts to help indicate wind velocity is helpful.Then at some matches other styles of flags show the conditions better than others.Just learn to read your own flag i guess? A simple long streamer gets caught and wraps around the stick when conditions change in my experience.

"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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RicinYakima posted this 14 March 2013

I have used a cut off broom handle with a nail on top to float an arrow shaft. A brass head and 4” pie plate tail, with a 30” surverier's tape and one cotton ball on the end. Works for me. Ric

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Ed Harris posted this 14 March 2013

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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onondaga posted this 14 March 2013

streamer tails for kites, hemmed nylon sailcloth, $16/45 foot piece:>

other interesting stuff too, like tubes and pennants!


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MKastning posted this 14 March 2013

R Dupraz wrote:  I am still not convinced that all of these devices are not planted out there for the sole purpose of confusing the rest of us poor ignorant knaves.  

This is it!  They are merely distractions to keep you good offhand shooters from figuring out the wind at the bench.

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billwnr posted this 15 March 2013

I'd go with a full up set of Rick Graham flags with his tails and call it good. There's a reason for his tails and not surveyors tape.

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riflejohn posted this 15 April 2014

hard to beat a graham wind flag on a bill dittman stand:cool:

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R. Dupraz posted this 15 April 2014

Flags that I put together last summer with some stuff I had and some stuff I found for under $20.00 ea. Makes the rest of the pilgrims think that I know what I'm doing....maybe.

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R. Dupraz posted this 15 April 2014

Another shot.

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muley posted this 16 April 2014

u make us feel bad with your skill and expertise.

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R. Dupraz posted this 16 April 2014

Well, I don't know if I would go that far. But thanks for the compliment anyway. It's just that I'm cheap and hard headed enough to think that ” I can do that myself".      Now the challenge for this feeble brain has been, trying to recognize what those things are telling me.

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muley posted this 16 April 2014

an inquisitive mind solves maney problems. when you line up your flags and they all point in the same direction and the tails are all about the same angle , i would squeeze the trigger. see where the shot hit and hold-off, if needed. don't make a sight adjustment during record, only on the sighter.

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R. Dupraz posted this 16 April 2014

Your response was interesting and timely. The first Military match that I shot was about a month ago. And although the wind was 10-15 and a little switchy, the flags “would” briefly conicide. The first part of your advice held true for both 100 & 200 yds. But,   I lost some points by not paying enough attention to the angle of the tails to the back of the flags. And that is precisely why I attached them to the top of the vanes in the first place. Didn't pick up some wind velocity changes and got caught.   So, afterwards, “WATCH THE TAILS” was added to the long list of details for the next match.   Too much stuff to remember, but I'm working on it.

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badgeredd posted this 19 April 2014

R. Dupraz wrote: Flags that I put together last summer with some stuff I had and some stuff I found for under $20.00 ea. Makes the rest of the pilgrims think that I know what I'm doing....maybe. Would it be possible to get you to list the components? I'd like to make a few for my crude range to practice with.


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R. Dupraz posted this 20 April 2014


Stands -- Heavy duty photography light stands found on e-bay. Two for $24.00 with free shipping.

Vanes --- coroplast from Menard's yard sign dept. Two 12x18 sheets for $3 something.

"Rotatating Attachments” ---- 5/8” x 12” delrin rods found on e-bay, free shipping. Pack of four.

1/4” brass rod ---- local hdwr store and my junk box.

1/4 x 20 nylon screw -- Ace hdwr and my RC airplane parts cabinet.

2” Styrofoam balls --- local Wall mart.

2” wooden balls --- Amazon, free shipping

Yarn --- Wife's knitting box.

If interested in how these were assembled, just send a PM.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 20 April 2014

i had mentioned before that i sunk owls-eyes bubble levels on my ( delrin ) plastic ball bearing spinner-uprights .

the spinners work better if they are level. i spied a few leftover bubbles the other day .. if anyone want to try them i will ship for postage. pm me i will see how many are left. ... about 1/2 - 5/8 od as i remember. i also have uhdpe 1 inch dropoffs i could send along .. almost as good as delrin.

come to think i also have ball bearings ..would have to hunt them down. 3/16 or 1/4 inch ... need 3/8 x 7/8 ? i got a thousand of them. cheap, real cheap.

ball bearing spinners really impress your buddies ...obsession is good ..

i will get organized ...


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badgeredd posted this 21 April 2014

R. Dupraz wrote: Edd: Stands -- Heavy duty photography light stands found on e-bay. Two for $24.00 with free shipping. Vanes --- coroplast from Menard's yard sign dept. Two 12x18 sheets for $3 something. “Rotatating Attachments” ---- 5/8” x 12” delrin rods found on e-bay, free shipping. Pack of four. 1/4” brass rod ---- local hdwr store and my junk box. 1/4 x 20 nylon screw -- Ace hdwr and my RC airplane parts cabinet. 2” Styrofoam balls --- local Wall mart. 2” wooden balls --- Amazon, free shipping Yarn --- Wife's knitting box. If interested in how these were assembled, just send a PM. THANKS! Now I have a “shopping list” I'll see what I can find to somewhat duplicate your flags. If I get stumped, I'll PM you. Great looking flags that look to be very functional. I also appreciate you including the sources for the materials as some will be easier finding now I know what and where. Edd

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