TTurner53 and I are going to go cast in a silhouette match on Saturday. The loads are similar: 43 ish grains (3.1 cc dipper) of IMR 4350, a kapok filler and either a 314284 or 314299 heat treated WW @ 0.314". Last time I used a M1903A3 and ran out of sight at 500 M. I thought 800 would be enough for 500 M but I was way low. This time I am using my M1917 Eddystone with the original 5 groove. If I remember the twist is left hand. The loads are running 2,100 fps and my thinking is I will need a bit of Kentucky windage to the right. I do not want to move the front sight. We get some sighters at each range so my thought is to start at 300 over the range (ie 500 yd at 200 meters) and walk them in. It should be a fun day. If anyone has any thoughts I am all ears.