Hello, everyone. I was just wondering if there is a better target than the round bullseye type when using the wide V English express type open sights & blade or bead front? Thanks!
Best target for wide V express sights
- Last Post 05 March 2012
Try with a large male cape buffalo.
I am full of envy for your express rifle.
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You beat me to it Buffalo George Dega I was going to suggest an elephant
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Oh no ,the elephant is too cute.to be shot at .
I'd shoot at the center of a large black paper target.
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Cute Elephant? How about a Hippo there pretty ugly.
Seriously pick a target that you can get a good definition on. How about a white square made of copy paper take your scissors and staple to a brown paper backer and then trim to the exact width of the front sight use a 6:00 hold with the bead directly under the white target. Or reverse and use a white backer and dark aiming point Don't care how big as long as you can see it real well. Could make the aiming point a diamond shape or triangle whatever works for you.
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Army “D” silhouette - is scaled for 200 and 300 yards service rifle, but works also well with handguns and snap-shooting rifles with coarse iron sights at 100 yards. Align “V” across shoulders, holding bead to center of mass with only head showing. Some people like to staple a 9-inch paper plate in the center as an aiming point, but with a large bead, as on double rifles for dangerous game, the large silhouette at 100 yards is a good aiming point.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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You have not said what gun is yours,is it really an express double?
You are morally obliged to post some pictures .
And ,speaking more seriously ,after having regulated the rifle on the black silhouettes,
I think you should like to try some of the large targets depicting real animals,as the pig silhouette below.
Pigs are the poor man's big five hunting.
I cancel the white lines for iron sight yrainig at short distance.
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You beat me to it Buffalo George Dega I was going to suggest an elephant
Now THAT's funny.
I would suggest you try and round target and a square one to see what suits your eye.
Cheers from New Zealand
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I have Express sights on my Colt Sauer Grand African .458 WM and prefer to make a target with a unilateral triangle with a point on the bottom.
The triangle with a point down was the early American match target. A fifty yard target triangle is 4 inches on a side. The top of your front sight blade or bead is viewed in the sight picture to touch the lower point of the triangle.
Many shooters do not realize the main purpose of an Express sight. It gives two sighting pictures. The ball can either be in the sight picture so that the top of the ball is aligned in a straight line with the top “V” ends of the rear sight leaf for a close range shot or the ball can rest in the bottom of the “V” for a long range shot.
OR, IS IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. I FORGET, I AM OLD. I only use it with the top of the ball high and even with a straight line across the “V” ends of the leaf. I sight in to hit 2 inches higher than the bottom triangle point at 50 yards with the triangle target and that covers everything I shoot at with the .458. If I expect shots farther than 75 yards, I use a scope.
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Good Heavens! Double guns & dangerous wild beasties! Not after the Big Five..only the small Two...Rook & Rabbits! J.W. Jeffery .255 Rook rifle..one standing (50yd.) two folding(100 & 150yds)..all wide V with platnum centre lines..plus, a folding Lyman tang. Gold bead front.
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The biggest most dangerous critter I killed with my ..458 was a jack rabbit, and I didn't even hit him, I hit right under his brisket as he ran by and the shock of that 485 gr. cast bullet flipped him up in the air and gave him a coronary. Brodie
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Brodie: I believe you 'barked' him! LOL.
Cheers from New Zealand
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Small bore,alas,but nevertheless it is a gentleman's rifle.
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Brodie: I believe you 'barked' him! LOL.
Nah, they ain't got much bark in Arizona probably “sanded” him.
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You bet I did you should have seen the bruise on his chest when I skinned him. It didn't happen in AZ, but in the Peoples Republic of California when you could still live in that misbegotten state.
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To get this thread back on topic, my favorite target for the rook rifles is the Official NRA full-sized “Mister Wabbit”
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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