posted this
01 March 2011
Update on my search for an inexpensive pistol bullet lube (haven't tried it in my 8mm Mauser yet but see no reason why it wouldn't work, at reasonable velocities)...I'm using straight Johnson's Paste Wax, right from the can. I'd read a LOT on various forums and thought I'd try it. I'm not sure about the exact ingredient breakdown or the chemistry involved (I teach band and choir, not chemistry...!), but it seems to work in my new RIA .45 Tactical shorty with water-quenched Lee 195-grain SWCs (not the tumble-lube variety, just the plain old-fashioned bullet with the one deep grease groove). It coats very easily when about a tablespoon-full is put into a coffee can on top of 150 bullets or so and then melted with a hot air gun. It warms the bullets and liquefies the wax. I shake, rattle & roll (THAT dates me, eh?), and spread 'em out on a sheet of stainless I have. They dry pretty quickly and aren't tacky like bullets lubed with Lee liquid alox are. I've shot several dozen (not hundreds yet, but I just got the gun!) and accuracy is acceptable (remember, this is a 3.5 inch barrel at 10-25 yards). Smoke is non-existent, at least with Unique. There is virtually no leading in the bore - it seems shiny, of all things, not black & cruddy. The best part: the Lee stuff is about $5 for 4 ounces and I paid $7 for a pound of the paste wax. Anyone else out there have experience shooting with just the uncut wax? Seems to work so far!