Any of you folks going to the Colorado Gun Collectors show in Greeley this next weekend?
Maybe we can meet for coffee.
Any of you folks going to the Colorado Gun Collectors show in Greeley this next weekend?
Maybe we can meet for coffee.
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Val my buddy from Portland will be there. he will have nice Ballard's his table Say "hi" for me.
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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Glenn & Ric,
I will be there, somewhere along a wall with a display of Sporting Trapdoors (Officers Models).
I will try to talk to Val as he helped me get my Rolling Block Creedmoor to shoot better.
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Met Dan & Ric at the gun show today. Here is Dan and his display.
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We were lucky and got to see Dan's wonderful display at the Sioux Falls Gun Show. We didn't have time to sit down for a couple of hours and have him go through everything in the detail I would like to. It's one heck of display. Thanks Dan.
Scott Ingle
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...i regret that i have but one heart to eat out when perusing this man's display ... and OH! ... what wondrous stories should be cast into my ears were i in attendance ...
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Ken, you would have been in "hog heaven." There was a fellow there (don't remember his name), 96 years young, who was quite the authority on these arms. Dan took several of the display guns apart so the guy could get detailed information on the inner workings, primarily the triggers, if I recall. Dan can fill in the details later. The guy says he wants to write a book on them, "but he hasn't seen them all yet." Dude, that's what second editions are for!
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His name is Vance Haynes and he did write one book about the Sporting Arms owned by Custer. He also had two of my guns photographed by a professional that was set up there, this made me feel good since they were rifles he had never seen before. The guy who drove him to the show said he is also working on writing more geology books as that is what he was a professor of.
The person who spent the most time looking at my display in detail turned out to be a younger man from Canada who traveled to the show with Ric, I didn't get his name.
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His name is Steve Thorne, from Vancouver Island, BC. He collects Sharps rifles and Western Memorabilia. He is very well versed in rifles of the West both in the US and Canada.
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