at what speed should my 311-299 go to topple the rams at 500 meters and is it allowed to use deferent powder charge for the closer metal silhoutte thank you Canuck
ram at 500 meters
- Last Post 29 March 2016
If you can maintain accuracy at over 1850 fps that will be adequate with #311299 or #314299 to topple the ram with impulse to spare.
No problems using a lighter load for the shorter range targets.
In the .30-'06 I use 30 grains of RL7 or 26 grains of 4198 up to 300 yards, and 40 grains of 4064, RL15 or Varget out farther.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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thank you I have a 308 and a chronograph will back down and go up to 1850 preparing myself to go at ridgeway this summer
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My 30 grains of RL7 would be about 1900-2000 fps in a .308 Win. Good full charge load. Or about 33-36 grs. of 4895, 4064, RL15 or Varget.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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I will be there for the cast bullet match at this the one you are referring to or a High Power match
John Kort's match is usually the second weekend in June
I have shot the match since 1990..missing only one
I shoot production class with a No.3 Ruger in 30-40Krag
my Ram load is 314299,Water dropped, 18bhn, sized .311, Hornady GC, 32grs Varget, WLR primer, vel is 1950+ a little brutal to shoot, in a under 9# gun
the case capacity of the Krag is close to the 308W
hope to see you there
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canuck If you never shot at 500M, make sure there is enough elevation in your scope or mounts
I use the RCBS 180SP for Chickens, pigs and Turkeys
21-22 gr Reloader 7 is more than enough, accuracy is more important than friend was knocking over Turkeys with a 32-20,Reloader 7, and 311359, Savage 23...bench not OH
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yes my scope has 147 moa total so it has about 73 moa elevation its only 2.5x mmmmm enough? on JBM ballistic its shows that with 1800 fps I am OK for the ram I could use the bottom post which covers 39 inches to the middle X at 100 yards and make the small adjustment with the turret will be searching for a place here in Quebec Canada to shoot to 500 meters 500 meters range are almost non existent here”¦.. so decide to go and shoot with you guys at ridgeway once a year since it is a days drive from where I live any other tips would be appreciated canuck
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I have tried on several occasions to take those pesky rams down at 550 yards. Its not easy, your 311299 load at 1,800 fps can do it but wind, barrel harmonics, distance, sighting (MOA adjustment) and leading all enter into the equation. I have also seen lead smears as the bullet impacts after its lob as a glance rather than a “hit". There are about six cast shooters at our local match and all of them say: “find a load that can get you 30 of the other critters and what you get in sheep is gravy". I have also found that Gary's advice is a help and run a bore snake after every stage, just to keep everything tidy. If you get a scope with too much power, you lose the MOA you need at 550 unless you have a wedge. A 4x has enough, I'm not sure about a 6x.
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I have also found that with 40+ grains of med burn rate powder and a 200 grain bullet, I have the worst of both worlds: the same recoil and much more work as the ballistics are challenging.
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I will be there for the cast bullet match at this the one you are referring to or a High Power match
John Kort's match is usually the second weekend in June
I have shot the match since 1990..missing only one
I shoot production class with a No.3 Ruger in 30-40Krag
my Ram load is 314299,Water dropped, 18bhn, sized .311, Hornady GC, 32grs Varget, WLR primer, vel is 1950+ a little brutal to shoot, in a under 9# gun
the case capacity of the Krag is close to the 308W
hope to see you there
same here, will tell which competition I will goyou are scaring me my rifle is a Sako carbonate and with scope its dead on 6 pounds
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canuck come and have fun, first match is always a learning experience bring loading equipment, bullets powder etc....load at the range, plenty of room, in fact there is a press and sclee in the range clubhouse Friday is just a 20 shot warm up match, plenty of time to work up loads like Wineman said, a good load for the first 30, is the better thing to do, rams are always difficult, even on a good day at Ridgway I have never seen it not be windy, trees on both side and circling winds at each bank I usually get there about 12:00 on Friday, if you get there earlier there is usually someone there, feel free to ask questions.... Chuck
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applied for my permit to cross the borderhope to get it soon will look up the schedule of the club for match
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4060 who is the contact person at Ridgeway for the cast shoot? thanks, Jim
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John Kort I'll post the flier as soon as he sends it
do you belong to Ridgway? dues are easy but there is usually a match every weekend.....
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