Lee Liquid Alox in 45/70 with black powder

  • Last Post 01 February 2016
Jackpine posted this 31 January 2016

I cast and load 45/70  with smokeless powder using Lee Liquid Alox, White Alox, and 45-45-10.  I want to shoot in an annual match which requires black powder.  I have Swiss 1 1/2 that I want to load with 500 grain bullets cast from stick on wheel weights.    I would love to avoid going to a different lube and process.  Can anyone give me advice, based on actual experience with these lubes.   Thanks,   Jackpine

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pat i posted this 31 January 2016

No actual experience like you're looking for but I envision a sticky mess. Hope someone can give you the straight dope. I'd pan lube with something meant for black powder.

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delmarskid1 posted this 01 February 2016

Tumble lubes aren't SUPPOSED to work but with the Swiss you may get away with it. I guess I'd shoot a few and see. Black powder needs a bunch of grease usually to keep the fouling soft. Some guys soak discs cut from drink coasters in cooking oil or black powder lube. These go over the powder charge and make a wiper. Honestly your best bet may be to do what the other five thousand people do that works.

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onondaga posted this 01 February 2016


The standard Lee rifle bullet recommendation in their instructions works well for LLA or 45:45:10 on cast bullets and BP or BP substitutes in 45-70. 2 light coats of tumble lube. Pre-warming the bullets and lube make this go very quickly.

I use both those lubes on Muzzle loading bullets with loads hotter than any 45-70 BP  load. If you are concerned about the heat, LLA is more heat resistant than 45:45:10, but either is fine on cast bullets  with 45-70 BP or subs.

Your alloy matched to the load level and bullet fit to the chamber throat are more important than lube or powder type in 45-70.


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