Vihtavuori N110

  • Last Post 08 October 2015
bandmiller2 posted this 29 September 2015

I picked up a pound of Vit N110 to try in my CZ 22 hornet, have any of you had good luck with it in the hornet.?? Frank C.

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.22-10-45 posted this 07 October 2015

I have found it to be a bit more accurate in my Hornet using 49-55gr. cast G.C. bullets. leaves bore extreemly clean compared to my usual Hornet go to powder, H4227. So far, for some reason I haven't been able to get decent accuracy with it usinbg plain-base bullets.

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gpidaho posted this 08 October 2015

Frank: Not having a Hornet to load for, I have no advice or comment as to it's use there. I can say I would love to come across some VV N-110 here in Idaho as it's my favorite powder for 357 Magnum and 30 carbine. N-110 is much more tolerant of down loading than H-110 my other go to powder for those rounds. Gp

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