This looks like an interesting tumble lube.
I found this link on Facebook
- Last Post 05 March 2015
The lube product and application sound fine to me and worth a try. The authors description of sparingly applying tumble lube is novel but sounds very effective and clean.
Currently I use White Label 45:45:10 Deluxe tumble lube applied warm to warmed bullets. I'd consider adding graphite and mineral spirits to that if I saw an advantage, but I don't.
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The lube product and application sound fine to me and worth a try. The authors description of sparingly applying tumble lube is novel but sounds very effective and clean.
Currently I use White Label 45:45:10 Deluxe tumble lube applied warm to warmed bullets. I'd consider adding graphite and mineral spirits to that if I saw an advantage, but I don't.
Gary Turning the White Label lube over in my mind. I have a bucket full of motor mica and I'd use that over graphite. I like tumble lubing hand gun bullets as they don't get gaschecks at my house.
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I think the author of the post you linked is savoring his idea of adding a lube to a lube when he adds graphite to LLA.
Your idea of adding Mica to a lube is very different.
Either Mica or graphite have the potential to abrade barrel metal, but I am going to say that graphite would be significantly less risky than Mica. I also think Graphite has more slip than Mica as a lubricant.
Also, I still don't see an improvement to celebrate above plain commercial 45:45:10 with nothing added. Please elaborate your theory of what the Mica will do by adding it to tumble lube. I see a benefit of lowering tackiness when applying Mica over tumble lube if your tumble lube dries tacky. Mixing mica with the tumble lube will null the tack removing benefit by being in the lube instead of a powdery covering over it.
45:45:10 applied warm to warmed bullets dries nearly clear and very tack free in less than 5 minutes and I have tested 45:45:10 to 2550 fps with bullets that fit and have no lube failure.
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You know Gary, I think you may be right. I did mess with mixing the mica with castor oil to make a paste once as a bullet lube. The thing about mica that interests me is that it doesn't burn. I made the paste I mentioned into lube cookies (blobs really) to be a sort of gas check on plain based bullets. It didn't work but it made a nice lube. I also have mixed mica with Rooster Red Jacket. That mess works nice on low velocity bullets. Like I said I have a bucket full of the stuff and unless I figure out a way to eat it I can experiment a long time.
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