nose first mod Saeco sizer

  • Last Post 15 February 2015
R. Dupraz posted this 30 December 2014

Thinking that nose first sizing has several advantages over base first, I ordered a Lee nose first die set. After using it, I was dissatisfied with the incomplete seating of the gas check.              I have two Saeco sizers here and after reading that several shooters use other than Saeco's to size nose first, this is what I came up with to convert one of my Saeco's to a nose first push through sizer . This conversion adds a couple more steps to the loading process but I really don't care because being a target shooter, my one goal in life is the continual  pursuit  of  that ragged hole.             All I did was to remove the bottom seating depth stop affair from one of the Saeco's and then turn a replacement push pin ,from a length of CR 15/16' rod, that is 2.095” long.  Threaded the top so that it screws in where the regular nose punch goes. Then drilled another quarter inch hole in the handle further back towards the end for the pivot pin, in order to get enough travel. Some leverage is lost this way but not enough to make a difference. The diameter of the new push pin is just a fine slip fit in the intended .310" sizing die.           I use the hard Gator checks and first run the bullet base first into a .311” die just far enough to seat and clamp the check on the bullet in one Saeco. Then place the bullet nose first in the  modified sizer and push it through. The checks are now seated fully with perfectly flat square bases. And no nose distortion.       

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R. Dupraz posted this 30 December 2014

photo II

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OU812 posted this 30 December 2014

R. Dupraz wrote: And no nose distortion.       
I like your method.    

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R. Dupraz posted this 30 December 2014

I should have added that after the above the bullets are not lubed. I run the now .310” sized bullets base first back through the .311” die to lube conventionally or use liquid Alox. Longer process to be sure but having mostly time on my hands anymore, don't mind.

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RicinYakima posted this 31 December 2014


Are you doing these in batches? or processing one bullet at a time?


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R. Dupraz posted this 31 December 2014

Well, for right now anyway, I have just been running one at time through both sizers to see how this going to work. As you can see both Saeco's are mounted close so it is fairly fast. But then the bullets will still have to be lubed. Maybe batches later when things get serious. Just depends.   lots of time trapped in the cabin right now. Temp. this morning was -4. Besides this weak mind has always been fascinated with mechanical stuff anyway. So it seems to help with the cabin fever somewhat.       

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norm posted this 31 December 2014

RD, Let us know if bullets sized nose first shoot better or worse than base first sizing. I know we will have to wait till the weather warms up.

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RicinYakima posted this 31 December 2014

Yep, 8 degrees here, and I'm fighting off the flu, but think I am losing. Working on my “Poacher's Pet” project, as lambing season is coming up and the coyotes and cougars are just waiting for next month.

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pb2au posted this 15 February 2015

I'm a new member here and was looking at the forums and found this post. I have a Saeco sizer and can't wait to try this nose first sizing method. It's a novel idea that just begs to be tried.   lead2gold

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