Is anyone duplicating Don Eagans Molds?
eagan 30-3X
- Last Post 08 February 2014
Check out Accurate Molds. If you have a drawing he can cut a mold for you.
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I have several (9) original Eagan cherries from his estate. I can't, however, cut molds.
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It would be nice for someone with the knowledge that Don had to use them. I visited Don several times when he lived in New Jersey, then in Pennsylvania. He was not only a top craftsman, but a real gentleman. Phil
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I also have a few of the cherries, MX3-30-G and MX3-30-US and hope to cut a NOE blank mold with them. I tried getting my hands on some others, but generally don't even get the courtesy of a reply when I ask someone about them.
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Madsen - Thanks for the reply, it is nice to hear from shooters about Don's molds. My .30 mold is MX3-30x, a tapered, 175 gr bullet. I have drawings he gave me on some of his molds, but don't have one that you listed. If you cut any, I would be interested in buying one. My email is [email protected].
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I'll keep you in mind, got a centering vise, got to get fixtures made. Here's Don's catalog:
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That is a good group with your Krag. Is that bullet tapered? Keep me in mind if you cut any. Years ago Bud Welsh recut some molds using smaller dia blocks, like using Lyman 7mm and recuting it to .30. I'm not familar with that powder. Phil
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The 30H is illustrated in the catalog, it's not like the MX3 series, it's a borerider design with a straight .301 boreride section. The powder was an Accurate surplus item, slow burning ball about the same as Ramshot's Hunter. I used filler behind the the bullet because the Krag I was using has a reverse taper to the groove diameter. It's .308 just ahead of the throat, but .3095 about an inch behind the muzzle. Bore diameter is a consistent .301 all the way though. I don't recommend Puf-Lon, if you pack it too tight you wind up with a ringed chamber neck, I found. Grex or some other poly shot buffer is what I use now. I wish I had the cherry for the 30H (hint, hint) that 2175fps seems to be about the bullet's sweet spot. Alloy is a 23bhn lead based babbitt. I don't have to worry about wind pushing the 185gr bullet a whole lot at that speed.
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a few minutes after I posted about recuting Lyman blocks it hit me that it wouldn't work using a cherry for a nose pour As for velocity I have found my .222 and 22-250 like about 2200fps, but my .30 cal does better around 17 -1800fps, 30-47,.308 and 30-06 you mentioned the surplus powder, about 1980 I got 32lbs surplus 5744 for $96.00. Today it is about 25 a lb. I used dacron wad over powder for a few years but stoped after reading about ringing of chambers.
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Actually, that didn't dawn on me until you mentioned it. I've already bought a NOE 2 cavity blank. Can't beat their venting. I usually ladle cast, what some call pressure casting, but if I try to do it with the 30H mold, I wind up with a bullet that looks like a stickleback minnow, as the alloy flows out into the vent lines. He may have made it specifically for someone that casts with a bottom pour pot though. The vents are deeper than other original Eagan molds I've had.
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I was able to obtain drawings for Eagans MX4-30ARD, which has a note"for J. Ardito” and MX3-30RBR which I sent to Tom at Accurate Molds. He added them to his catalog as 230F and 200H respectively. The only difference from the molds as cataloged and the drawings is the meplate. The MX4-30ARD as designed is .140, the MX3 -30RBR is .130. Accurate changes both to .180. I ordered both and the only problem has been deciding which to use. I started using the 230F in 2012 and the Feb. & Mar. matches resulted in 100 yd. scores of 200, my first. In a regional match later that spring I shot the smallest 10 shot 200 yd. group I have shot to date, 1.033". If the larger meplate makes any difference I have no way to determine. Don Ross
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Hi Don, are you one of those fellows who came all the way up to MI a couple years ago to shoot in the regionals? If so, I was the guy with the AR that was shooting targets a couple slots away after my stool broke. I have one of Tom's 230F molds, it really stuffs the throat of my Krags! If I could get it to feed reliably for rapid fire, I'd use the bullet at Camp Perry in the Vintage Rifle match. I think if Tom would have kept the original meplat it'd be THE Krag bullet and would have fed better.
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No, I haven't made the trip yet. We have shooters here that go and the MI shooters come down for the regional match every spring and we get together at the Nationals along with the Pennsylvania folks. A great bunch all, and some very good shooters. Some of the PA shooters are using Accurate molds based on the Eagan designs and doing very well with them. Some also have molds made by Eagan. That is who I was able to obtain the drawings from. Don Ross
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It looks like the Eagan catalog disappeared or there is “a missing link” in the reference section.
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I'll bet those guys at castboolits stole it! LOL! Well everything can't come along no matter how smooth the move. I even remained logged in through the move to this new format though.
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Hello Paul, I have most of Don"s drawings. I can send some prints if you wish Jim
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I have the following Don's drawings if someone would like, MX2-243 (80gr), MX2-22 (43gr), M-EX-2-30 (180gr), M-EX-3-30(175gr), M-EX3-30 (190gr), MX2-30C (160gr), MX3-24 (65gr for 243) Phil
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What material did Mr. Eagan use for his molds? I see one just sold on the Boolit forum.
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