I’m thinking about using a micro-fit stock on a 28” x.920” Ruger 10/22 facelift. Have any thoughts? This gun may be set up for optics and receiver sights. I’m thinking along the lines of a semiautomatic Remington Matchmaster. The Marksman layout looks good to me. I just wonder about the turn around times and fit. I looked at Boyd’s and they make a good stock but I don’t see anything that fits my wants.
Richards Micro-fit
- Last Post 15 October 2023
Bud Hyett
posted this
13 October 2023
I've had good service from Micro-Fit.
Be sure to specify what width forearm you want.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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Bud Hyett
posted this
14 October 2023
Very good. When they say 95%, thy mean 95%. But I like to have something to remove rather than something to glass-bed in the void.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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