Looking for a suitable action for build

  • Last Post 23 August 2024
cdnrokon posted this 15 January 2023

I have the itch to build another single shot.... caliber choice will be , either 357 Maximum or 357 Herrett

I have a TC Encore in 357 Max  and have all the brass I need for now but they only run it every so often.

I want the sex appeal of a classic single shot , looking to find a action that can handle the 357 Max ?

any suggestions? I was also looking at the D.S. Cole action kit from Rodney Storie ? has anyone built one ?

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delmarskid posted this 15 January 2023

The low wall pops into my head. There are 357 mag rifles out there and they would make a quick conversion.

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358156hp posted this 15 January 2023

Starline currently has 357 Max brass in stock. The new 360 Buckhammer (what a name) is basically a straight-tapered 357 Herrett and would make a dandy single shot caliber too.

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Bud Hyett posted this 15 January 2023

CPA Rifles makes the Stevens 44 1/2 action with interchangeable barrels. I have two, both have .32-20 CPA and .25-20 WCF barrels.

I'd love to hear of your experience if you chamber in .357 Maximum. 

CPA Website

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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longhunter posted this 16 January 2023

CPA is a good choice.  I have 4 barrels for mine. 22lr,25-20 Win, 32-40 Win 38-55 Win.

What is it you want to do with this rifle? compete or hunt???


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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cdnrokon posted this 16 January 2023

I would like to use it for hunting and general shooting. CPA is very nice rifle but for me to order one with the exchanger rate on the dollar and the brokerage fees to get it across the border it would be an expensive undertaking. I might look at finding one on a auction site.

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longhunter posted this 16 January 2023

You didn't say you lived out side of the US.  Where are you?



Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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cdnrokon posted this 16 January 2023

Winnipeg Manitoba Canada


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gnoahhh posted this 16 January 2023

What's the supply of Martini Cadets like up there? My .357 Maximum was built on a Cadet action, and frankly I couldn't be happier.

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cdnrokon posted this 16 January 2023

there are a few , but mostly in 22 rimfire the odd Kangaroo gun in 310 but for a gun to rip apart and re barrel and chamber.

I would like to find a doner action a complete rifle would be in the $800.00 Canadian range.

My buddy did one up in 357 Magnum on a model 15  action, 20 " green mountain barrel ..nice fun shooter

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 17 January 2023

just to irritate ourselves ... in 1960 you could buy a martini 310 cadet here in the States for $13.50 .  a neighbor bot one ...through the mail.  heh.  owch. ...

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Bud Hyett posted this 17 January 2023

Mentioning the .310 Cadet; in 1959, our hired man wanted to sell my Dad a .310 Martini with 100+ rounds of ammunition. I was 15 and very excited to be getting a single shot Martini for fox and ground squirrels. But my Dad called my competitive shooter uncle who said this cartridge was not enough more than a .22 Long Rifle high-speed that we already had and not to buy it. Thirty-nine years later, I bought my first 12/15 BSA Martini. It was worth the wait. Subsequently, four more BSA Internationals have been bought.

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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cdnrokon posted this 27 February 2023

found a BSA 12/15 Martini it is on the operating bench as you are reading this

the barrel is on the mill having a spa treatment octagon to round .... any ideas for a scope mount ?? pictures

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mashburn posted this 20 March 2023

Hello cdnrokon,

I have a Falling Block Works action, it is the small one. It has a rimmed extractor. It would work well for a .357 Maximum cartridge. I would consider parting with this little jewel although I don't really care to let it go, but I'm not getting any younger and have too many unfinished projects.

I have owned a 357 Maximum rifle and it was a great little rifle, I considered it the ideal walk about rifle. You may have not heard of the Falling Block Works Actions ,but they were a great falling block actiion. The problem on my end is how in the world do you ship a firearm or an action to Canada?

I just read you post again and saw your mention of DS Cole actions and Rodney Storrie. Rodney is a good friend of mine and I just happen to have two of his DS Cole action kits that are in the process of being built if you are interested. I have a Deely and Edge action that is practically completed but it is a big action.


David a. Cogburn

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Mal in au posted this 22 March 2023

Martini actions come up for sale here in Oz, @ reasonable prices,can you import from here? Cheers Mal in au. Ps. Just found an action .310   $ A150. For sale SSAA site here in OZ.

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RicinYakima posted this 22 March 2023

Yes, you can import them. It is a lot of paper work and takes from three to nine months to complete the transaction. The biggest hang up is if they are military surplus (have to use a licensed arms import company) or civilian (any FFL dealer). 

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Longbow posted this 23 August 2024

Sure like my modern day 32 Ideal....32-357 Max brass  within one grain of the old case. Lil gun and  300MP powder in my Borchardt Zischang  A dandy  for offhand or benchrest

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Tom Acheson posted this 23 August 2024

I have an RPM XL chambered in .30 Silhouette that could be a candidate. It's a single shot break open design. It's been made in quite a few other chamberings. It's often seen in .357 Max.


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