Continued 30-06 Plain Base Quest

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pat i posted this 26 February 2024

Had some decent luck with my 670 today. The details are.... 

Winchester 670 30-06. NOE 309-172-FN. Sized diameter .3095. 9 grains of WST. Winchester LR primers. Lapua brass. Wheel Weights. Emmerts lube. 100 yards. No idea on the velocity.

I'll have to get it out again to see if things repeat or if it was just a fluke. BUT at least it keeps my interest up. It was pretty calm with temps in the 40s. I'm sure some wind will make things real interesting but it's a start.

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Ed Harris posted this 26 February 2024

Looks good. I've been shooting 8.5 of WST or 452AA in the '06 with Accurate 31-155D and Winchester large pistol primers in Winchester 54.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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pat i posted this 26 February 2024

Thanks Ed. I planned on trying some large pistol primers next time out. And you're the one who recommended trying WST in the first place so thanks for that too.

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Shuz posted this 26 February 2024

Pat, any plans to try powder coating this bullet?

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pat i posted this 26 February 2024

No plans on powder coating Ray. I coat the few pistol bullets I shoot, have a hell of a time seeing the sights anymore, but will stay a tradionalist when it comes to rifles. I'm not looking for blistering speed. Just an easy on the shoulder and wallet toy that'll shoot decent groups.

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Ed Harris posted this 27 February 2024

I use LLA diluted with equal parts by liquid volume of aliphatic mineral spirits. 50-50 one light coat to turn bullets uniform brassy color. Wheelweights and plumber's lead with 1% tin added - about 8 BHN.

Fellows I shoot with have good results in a dozen or more Springfields, US M1917s, Winchester 54s, pre-64 Model 70s. 8 grains of Bullseye or TiteGroup also good or 9 grains of 231. Typical 4-5" ten-shot, 200 yard groups with 600 yard sight dope for Ball M2.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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John Alexander posted this 27 February 2024

I would call that a hell of a good start. I'll look forward to the next step.


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Ed Harris posted this 27 February 2024

John, Wr've been using essentially the same loads with various bullets, for 20 years. Started with Ideal 311241, then old Walt Melander NEI#69, also #311291 and #31141 with GC heel bored out to make .312 base band to size adjust to throat size. Accurate 31-155D our most recent iteration. The 31-171D is GC version used with 16 grains of #2400 or 20 grains 4227.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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pat i posted this 27 February 2024

I use LLA diluted with equal parts by liquid volume of aliphatic mineral spirits. 50-50 one light coat to turn bullets uniform brassy color. Wheelweights and plumber's lead with 1% tin added - about 8 BHN..

The first plain base mold tried was a 165 grain Accurate something or other. Im not sure but I'm thinking 311-165s, could be wrong. I compared Emmerts to LLA cut 30% with mineral spirits and the Emmerts shot better for me across the board.

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Glenn R. Latham posted this 27 February 2024

Lookin' good, Pat!


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linoww posted this 27 February 2024

I've had good luck with large pistol primers with the "faster" powders in the 30-06 as well.

"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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pat i posted this 27 February 2024

We shall see what we shall see when it comes to large pistol primers. I wish there was a way to use small rifle primers in this 06 since I have an abundance at the moment. And thanks to all who gave me encouragement and suggestions. I've been fighting it for a few years so far. I need all the help I can get.

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linoww posted this 27 February 2024

Didn't one of the big BR supply houses make bushings from large to small? I too am flush in SR and SP but have less large variety. Might have been Hart?

"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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RicinYakima posted this 27 February 2024

It didn't work out well. The BR 6 PPC guys had them backing out of the primer pockets at 65,000 psi loads they used in the '90's. I may have a dozen or so in my BR box if interested. 

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pat i posted this 27 February 2024

It didn't work out well. The BR 6 PPC guys had them backing out of the primer pockets at 65,000 psi loads they used in the '90's. I may have a dozen or so in my BR box if interested. 

I'd definitely be interested Rick. Let me know what you want for them in a pm. Are they glued In or just seated like a primer? I'll never get anywhere near 65,000 psi so it'll be something to try.

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Premod70 posted this 27 February 2024

Nice groups for one hundred yards, ever try the bullet at 200?

Forrest Gump is my smarter brother.

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pat i posted this 27 February 2024

Nice groups for one hundred yards, ever try the bullet at 200?

This is first time I got anything to shoot this good at 100 let alone 200 and I dont even know it will be repeatable next time.. Figure I better learn to crawl before taking up running

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MP1886 posted this 27 February 2024

Pat you might freechex your flatbase bullets.  The method doesn't require a gascheck shank on the bullet, but does require that you have a lubersizer like a Lyman or RCBS.  They are good up to the low 2000 fps. I presume you know what they are, if not pm me and I'll explain them to you.

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pat i posted this 28 February 2024

Pat you might freechex your flatbase bullets.  The method doesn't require a gascheck shank on the bullet, but does require that you have a lubersizer like a Lyman or RCBS.  They are good up to the low 2000 fps. I presume you know what they are, if not pm me and I'll explain them to you.

As I said in Frogs thread all it would be is a gas checked bullet then and I'm playing the plain base game right now. I have plenty of molds if I wanted to shoot a checked bullet but that's not what I'm after with this thing. Thanks for the suggestion though. I do know what freechex are. I've been shooting cast bullets for around 45 years but still can't decide if it's 45 years of experience or one year of experience 45 times. At the moment I think it might be the latter. I don't have one of those lubersizers though. All I have is a few lubri-sizers. Would that work if I decide to try freechex down the road?

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linoww posted this 28 February 2024

I had one of the original free-chex tools and didn't find it worth the effort. The challenge is getting plainbase to shoot as plainbase, not with a pseudo gas check.Pats current target is pretty amazing with a production gun and plainbase.Those who don't realize that have never tried to get repeatable accuracy with fixed ammo plainbase.**Or only shot one good group and bragged about that one for years. like,let's say an 8x57 at 450 plus yards***one group means nothing. isn't it called a loober-sizer..hehe

"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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MP1886 posted this 28 February 2024

I had one of the original free-chex tools and didn't find it worth the effort. The challenge is getting plainbase to shoot as plainbase, not with a pseudo gas check.Pats current target is pretty amazing with a production gun and plainbase.Those who don't realize that have never tried to get repeatable accuracy with fixed ammo plainbase.**Or only shot one good group and bragged about that one for years. like,let's say an 8x57 at 450 plus yards***one group means nothing. isn't it called a loober-sizer..hehe



That's not exactly what I'm talking about. I probably should have said free check. The one I'm talking about is not a tool.  You use your Lyman/RCBS luber/sizer to apply the check as you lube and size your cast bullets.

Of course you didn't find it worth the effort because you don't know what you're doing half the time. Yeah, I don't care for you either pal.

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