Is it time for another Groundhog and Rabbit Shoot

  • Last Post 14 April 2023
John Alexander posted this 24 March 2023

Ken wrote:

..and maybe it is time for another groundhog shoot ?? ...  I use my 45-70 in those ... room for a HH  Mag ....



.22-10-45 posted this 13 hours ago in another thread

How about having this class in a postal match?  The British Rook &Rabbit rifles come to mind..say 50 to 100yds field positions including cross sticks? at rabbit & crow silhouettes.


For those of you new to this CBA forum, what 22-10-45 described above is EXACTLY what volunteers offered on this forum over the last two or three years.

They got great participation and it seemed that everybody had a good time. There is no reason that such an informal match could't be a continuing feature of this forum. We don't have to just talk about shooting hear we also encouraged some the last couple of years.

All we need is for a few people be willing to give a bit of their time to make it happen.

What do you say?


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Fitzpatrick posted this 24 March 2023

I am always game  for a shoot , If you need help let me know where and how and I will be willing 



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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 25 March 2023

...since it is a weekend ... we could have fun thinking about another groundhog/rabbit/crow/? ... shoot ... i have been thinking about a rabbit shoot for

rook rifles .

but there my brain gets clouded ... what would a rook rifle be ? ... a short cartridge at least 25 caliber ? ...  maybe 44-40 length max ... no autoloaders ?? ... ... 

help me out here ... i think i have peaked out ...  ken 

edit :; oh, i guess a rook rifle shoot should shoot at a ROOK target ...  i told you i was peaked out ...

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Larry Gibson posted this 25 March 2023

Count me in...


Concealment is not cover.........

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4060may posted this 25 March 2023

me too


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.22-10-45 posted this 25 March 2023

The Brits had special rifles made up by some very famous makers (or in most cases, made up to their standards by smaller firms).  The Rook ctg. While acuracy was important, of greater concern was it's lethal range.  The Rooks were just leaving the nest and couldn't fly well yet.  The target was high in old oak trees, and one didn't want to hit the neighbors cow..or neighbor!  A popular caliber was the .360 no.5...very close to the .38 long colt.  Later, the .300 Rook & .297/250 were quite popular.  Jeffery came out with his own .255 Jeffery which is nothing more than a shortened .25-20 Win. The .22 long & long rifle were never popular at this time (1870-1890) in England..due to its poor performance loaded with black powder.  

Are there any rules posted for the Buny match.  It would seem any utility rifle used on a farm in the late 19th thru the first few decades of the 20th centuries would qualify.  How about the use of revolvers?  Elmer Keith wrote he cut his teeth on an old Colt .36 Navy,  and later bought a 7 1/2" Colt S.A.A. in .32-20 for small game.

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beltfed posted this 26 March 2023

How about a Martini Cadet, rebored to 357Mag?


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barra posted this 28 March 2023

Apart from the ordeal of having to climb a tall tree to post my target in I’m up for crack at this.

 I doubt they will allow me to shoot vertically at the range.

‘But I think I have a location.


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  • JeffinNZ
GWarden posted this 28 March 2023

ground hog or rabbit shoot as in the past were great, I sure would do either.



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kootne posted this 28 March 2023

I loved these in the past and would gladly participate and tip my hat to whoever is doing all the work.

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JeffinNZ posted this 28 March 2023

Apart from the ordeal of having to climb a tall tree to post my target in I’m up for crack at this.

 I doubt they will allow me to shoot vertically at the range.

‘But I think I have a location.


Well that's just silly talk. You climb the tree and shoot at the target on the ground. That way you only climb to the tree ONCE! Follow me for more sage advice.

Cheers from New Zealand

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Lucky1 posted this 29 March 2023

The snow in my trees is still 6 foot deep and another foot on the way, so I've got a head start on the climbing problem. My snowshoes are a bit of a problem though.....

Scott Ingle

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longhunter posted this 30 March 2023

I think we should spread the wealth around. I will give advice to who ever runs it. 

I will shoot it.

When I ran it last time.  Any rifle worked.  Make a special class if you want.  I have a fine .310 Cadet that would be fun. 

Getter going Boys!!!!


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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tony1960 posted this 31 March 2023

Tut tut, both of you guys aren't thinking outside the box....find a tree ALREADY laying down and then shoot standing up along the tree. Don't have to climb and potentially meet the ground unexpectedly at velocity (gravity sucks), a gentle stroll alongside the tree, post target and enjoy the view on the way back to the root system. Jeff wasn't close enough to the earthquake to find any recent fallen and Barra hasn't seen much in the way of cyclones this year.


Enjoy laughing

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John Alexander posted this 31 March 2023


Thank you for doing the work to make the  earlier matches happen.

I hope someone steps up to take you place.  A lot of shooters had a good time in the earlier matches.

Shooters are plentiful.  Workers not so much.




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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 31 March 2023

geeze, you guys remind me of my ol fishin buddy Dwayne ...  guy was too lazy to pick up worms ...take him fishing and he always had to borrow your bait ... " forgot " his ..

i asked him one time why he never married and raised some kids ... he said that here in southern Iowa " there is a tolerable lack of pregnant wimmin " ...


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barra posted this 01 April 2023

Hope it goes ahead.

I have so much to learn.

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max503 posted this 01 April 2023

I would like to participate just to stay in practice.

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John Alexander posted this 13 April 2023

Looks like this is a no go for lack of somebody willing to do the work.  Too bad.


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Fitzpatrick posted this 13 April 2023

Can a few of us get together so not just one doing all the work, I would volunteer just don't have a clue as to where to begin or how to pull it together .

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MarkinEllensburg posted this 13 April 2023

Let's do  this. I'll volunteer. We can use these targets

You can buy your own or I can order them and mail two to each shooter. $3.50 gets you two targets. postage paid to you, however I would like to get a count soon so as to be able to order enough to meet demand.

I suggest one shot at each bull and critter with any cast bullet rifle, any field position. One target each at 50 and 100 yards.

@Fitzpatrick if you are willing we could have everyone mail completed targets to you by June 15. You can score them, diamond in middle is X, black center is ten, first ring out is 9 outside of that is 8, off bull circle is 0. Critters is special closest to center, number of participants equals the score on each, add all 4 scores together for overall ranking. For example 10 shooters, dead center hit by just one shooter scores 10 points, Next closest scores 9 points farthest away 1 point.

This assumes we finalize and I order by 4-14, mail targets to shooters by 5-1.

Thoughts? In or not? Deadline for entry with me supplying target is 4-14, after that any shooter that wants to purchase same target on their own is welcome to shoot and submit by the deadline.



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