Info On Perfect Lube

  • Last Post 30 December 2020
jimkim posted this 30 December 2020

A fellow on FB inherited his grandfather's equipment. He has just gotten started with the casting part. He has a bunch of Perfect Lube. It's black. I told him I would ask the experts for info on it. Is it Alox, or Moly, or cerasin or pick one, based lube? I'd love to know more about it.

The label on the box says, "Processed by Cooper Woodward" if that helps.

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lotech posted this 30 December 2020

No expert here, but It works about as well as anything else. About fifteen years ago, I bought about eighty sticks of lube that had originally been sent to gunwriter Kent Bellah in the 1960s. All of the lot was either Mirror Lube or Perfect Lube. I used a bunch of both for several years and sold some. I recall using Perfect Lube primarily for handgun bullets, but it did see some limited use on rifle bullets as well. Probably comparable to half & half lube in performance, but quite a bit firmer.  

In Ralph Schneider's "Cast Bullet Lubricants", he states that Perfect Lube "has properties similar to sodium grease", whatever that may be. 

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