John Alexander
posted this
22 December 2018
Guesses and opinions are cheap but often something can be learned by looking at evidence. The Fouling Shot is a good source of solid information and a good reason to join the CBA for those who are humble enough to know that they may not know everything already.
Don't throw your lubrisizer away just yet.
I just looked at what the shooters at the CBA 2018 nationals used for lubes. First, over 15 different lubes were used giving support to Joeb's contention that about anything will work. One of the top shooters used pig grease which melts quite easily when torched. It is not certain, but none of the shooters appeared to be using tumble lube except a couple who might have used both (belt and suspenders types.) Three mentioned "Alox" but seemed to be referring to the NRA formula. None said LLA, 45-45--10, X-Lox, Rooster Red, etc. It doesn't look like any of the shooters used only tumble lube.
From reports in this forum, The Fouling Shot, and personal experience it is clear that tumble lubing is a perfectly good way to lube cast bullets for pistol shooting and for rifle accuracy good enough for almost all hunting. It is not clear if it is as good as conventional lubing for the best accuracy. I personally suspect that it is, but it hasn't been proven by winning matches as far as I know. Like a lot of things in CB shooting we just don't know because we seldom run good tests and publish the results.
It can be argued that match shooters are a conservative bunch and maybe they just haven't tried it yet, although I know of a couple who have tried it and failed. There is a great opportunity for someone using tumble lube to show what it can do in match competition and win a few matches in the process.