At the risk of becoming repetitive, here's another hog shot with the hard cast .30-30 hollow point bullet. And another one to answer the question of whether these bullets will kill larger pigs.
This one differs from those previously described in that the shot was in the ribs at 90 degrees and out the the other side with no shoulder involvement. The hit was about 4", maybe even 6", too far back, which is why he ran about 100 meters before going over. The exit wound was similar to the entry wound - all the interesting stuff happened in the middle. The exit would have been just the wadcutter type slug remaining after the bullet nose had broken up.
Bullet is 176 gns, alloy about 11% non-lead, and the hollow point removes 5% (10 gns) of original bullet weight. Muzzle velocity is 2200 fps. Pig was shot inside 50 meters so got most of it.
Measurements were 57" overall snout to butt of tail, 43" top of skull to butt of tail, and 43" heart girth. Estimated weight in pounds is heart girth in inches (43) squared, times length in inches from top of skull to butt of tail (43), divided by 400 = 199 pounds. Not sure how accurate this is, but it's better than nothing. This fellow is a real Roly Poly, so may have actually weighed better than he measured.
I spent most of the trip home trying to do this sum in my head - I was off by a couple of points after the decimal. A good anti Altzeimers exercise.
The afternoon yielded three other hogs, all dispatched without fuss. I may never buy another jacketed bullet.
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