9.3x57 Mauser

  • Last Post 14 February 2023
longhunter posted this 28 July 2022

I am in the process of getting a 9.3x57 Mauser.  I read  the article in the blog.  It is a help and will get me started.

Does anyone have casting and reloading experience with this cartage?

Thanks in advance.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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longhunter posted this 14 February 2023


Great info.

I was working on a paper patched load.  I think the bullet was a little heavy, 380 gr.

So now will work on getting a mold.300gr. NOE will work I think!


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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gutshot_again posted this 13 February 2023

I've cast, reloaded and hunted with the 9.3x57 for some time.  When I first got it I didn't have moulds and jacketed bullets were pricey.  I cast pure lead cores in  a 358 core mould.  Used CH/4D 358 swaging dies to produce various weights.  Made plain base, gas checks, 1/2 jackets and 3/4 jackets, then paper patched them.  Really impressive on deer.  Of those, the gas checks and 1/2 jackets shot the best and performed the best on deer.  Lot of work.  Then got a 270 & 300 grain Mountain mould and a couple NEI moulds (290 & 335 grain).  Took a while but I also located a Lyman 366408 mould and use that as well.  I pushed all bullets like I would a jacketed bullet using IMR 3031 in Norma cases (correct headstamp).  Now I mostly use the 270 grain flat nose bullet on deer with complete satisfaction.  Accuracy on par with the paper patched and a lot less time.


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bullshop posted this 05 February 2023

We ( the Bullshop) have had 9.3x57mm ammo and bullets available for quite some time. I have designed a bullet specifically for the cartridge. Our bullet was designed for hunting and has proven quite effective . It is a 275 gran wide flat nose gas checked design. I hesitate to say here what our load is that we have regularly available on an on line auction site but I will say the powder we use is IMR-4895 and it pushes our bullet to 2100 fps.  As for brass we simply neck up 8x57 brass. 

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  • RicinYakima
longhunter posted this 07 August 2022


Thanks for the heads up.  The rifle came with Hornady dies, so I sure will be looking at the over exercising of the case neck.  A lot of times I don't resize cases for use with cast bullets.




Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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kootne posted this 06 August 2022

I have a Husqvarna model 46 in 9.3x57. I have a lot of jacketed bullets and don't shoot it much. A shot or 2 a year in hunting season so I haven't went down the cast bullet road. I do think there may be a lot of potential there considering the velocity of a jacketed bullet should be rather easily obtained with cast. I'm mostly posting to say the dies I have, Hornaday, excessively resize the case neck and I would not get another set of those dies if that how they are all made. I am planning to lap out that neck if I ever run out of factory loaded shells. Just a heads up to check if you buy Hornaday brand 9.3x57 dies.


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mashburn posted this 06 August 2022

That is on caliber that I've always wanted to play with but never had the good fortune of owning one. Congratulations and good luck.


David a. Cogburn

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longhunter posted this 30 July 2022

Thanks Wilderness.  I didn't think about paper patching.  The Velocity is about what I'm looking for. i'll give it a try



Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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