posted this
13 February 2010
I have tried some - not all - of the faster powders in my production class .308 and my issue '03-A3, and wound up back with Varget, IMR4895 and H4895. I use Winchester primers (when I can get them; CCI when I can't) and I roll every round on the follower to level the powder in the case before I close the bolt. I DO NOT have any problems with vertical stringing.
(I sometimes have other problems, but they're from an inability to read the wind or 82 year old eyes or general stupidity. They're not from powder position sensitivity.)
I have recently tried 5744. With proper loads, I've found it shoots right along with my best Varget/H4895 loads, but that stuff is some of the awfullest powder to run through a powder measure I've run into in a long time. I finally decided that unless I came up with a 5744 load that worked a WHOLE LOT better than my regular competition loads, I would stay with the loads I'm using.
I am convinced that position sensitivity of reduced powder loads can be successfully overcome by simply taking steps to have the powder located the same in the case every time. You can do it by tipping the rifle up (powder back against the primer) or down (powder against the bullet) but to do that you have to change the rifle's position on the bags between every shot.
Obviously, rolling the round on the follower to level the powder in the case only works for bench rest shooting. Even I am not stubborn enough to try it for offhand or position shooting.