45-70 Build coming along well

  • Last Post 13 December 2023
30carbnut posted this 26 August 2017

Hello all, well I finally decided on a barrel twist and length for my 45-70 build, I ended up going with a heavy 28" 1:18 / 8 groove Mcgowen with a straight taper. It is coming along and I think I am going to be happy with my choice of barrel. Still needs a lot more work on the stock and finish work on the metal.The target is in 1/2" squares. So what does everyone think so far.

NRA Life member since 1976

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 26 August 2017

what do i think about it ?? .... think about it ?? ... how can i think when i am STUNNED !! ...

but i can mumble ::  win !  win ! ...


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R. Dupraz posted this 26 August 2017

Very nice work!

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30carbnut posted this 26 August 2017

Thank you, I have around 160 hours invested in it so far.

NRA Life member since 1976

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onondaga posted this 27 August 2017


It looks like a custom Golden Age Buffalo hunting rifle ready to massacre Buffalo.  Your dispersion pattern shows a lot can be optimized more, but an excellent start. What is your current bullet, gas checked or not, weight, alloy, diameter, load? Have you ink tested bullets for a slide fit chambering?


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30carbnut posted this 27 August 2017

Thank you, there is still a ton of work to be done if you look closely the stock is still about 2.75" thick and still needs all of the shaping done. As for the target it was only to check the scope mounts and to check the adjustments of the scope, the 4 shots on the left were mine starting on the bottom with shot #1 and checking the scope adjustments for what they were doing to poi, the 2 rounds on the left were my son-in-laws, all just to be shooting the rifle and checking the action for functionality, other than the proof loads. the whole rifle will have to be disassembled, finish work on the metal and stock done, bluing and stock finish applied. Once that is all done I will start work on load development. Right now I have 3 molds, 2-405 gr and 1-500 gr and have cast and powder coated 20 or so of each to start out with. I chambered and throated the barrel to accommodate the 500 gr bullets. I will post more pic. as I get more done Thanks again to all.

NRA Life member since 1976

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30carbnut posted this 02 November 2017

Hey all, here is an update picture of my 45-70 Rifle and a 100 yard target playing around trying out different weight lead bullets and powder. Now that I have got it mostly done its time for some load development the Lee 405 gr HB seemed to be the best with the current shot in the dark load so I will start with them IN 20:1 alloy, IMR 4198, IMR 3031, H4895, and of course my paulownia wood charcoal black powder. Once I get that nailed down to something acceptable I will start on the other two bullets I have molds for. Every round I loaded hit the target so I was happy about that. 

NRA Life member since 1976

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  • David R.
BigMan54 posted this 02 November 2017

That is a VERY IMPRESSIVE piece of wood/steel.  VERY IMPRESSIVE !

Long time Caster/Reloader, Getting back into it after almost 10yrs. Life Member NRA 40+yrs, Life S.A.S.S. #375. Does this mean a description of me as a fumble-fingered knuckle-draggin' baboon. I also drool in my sleep. I firmly believe that true happiness is a warm gun. Did I mention how much I HATE auto-correct on this blasted tablet.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 02 November 2017

very nice ...  i  copied and blew up your pic and it just got prettier ....  what did you use for a wood finish ??

your group is only 3 inch wide ... a good start .... and you get a 1 inch handicap 'cause nobody can bench shoot a 45-70    ( g ) ... ....


anybody for a 45-70 bunny shoot ??  do they have paper buffalo targets for under $8 each ?? ... ?? 


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David R. posted this 02 November 2017

That’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I’m eager to see how you proceed.

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30carbnut posted this 02 November 2017

very nice ...  i  copied and blew up your pic and it just got prettier ....  what did you use for a wood finish ??

your group is only 3 inch wide ... a good start .... and you get a 1 inch handicap 'cause nobody can bench shoot a 45-70    ( g ) ... ....


anybody for a 45-70 bunny shoot ??  do they have paper buffalo targets for under $8 each ?? ... ?? 


Thank you, the finish still needs some more coats to completely fill in the grain but I am waiting to see if I can afford to have it checkered first, I used tru-oil I think it does a really good job and it is fairly easy to work with. I have some scroll engraving and then gold inlay in the engraving planed for it as well, Hopping it will turn out to be an heirloom, but I am going to shoot it A LOT so by the time it is handed down it will have some character LOL..

NRA Life member since 1976

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  • RicinYakima
30carbnut posted this 13 November 2017

Well I did a little more load development this weekend and I think I am on the right track, just a little more fine tuning and I will call it good for the Lee 405 HBs


NRA Life member since 1976

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gregg454 posted this 13 November 2017

Looks like the rifle doing good job for you.. Keep it coming I'm sucker for a 45-70.

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4570sharps posted this 06 January 2019

Very nice work! Is that an action of your own design?

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rmrix posted this 06 January 2019

Somehow I missed this when it was fresh. I am very impressed!

I would like to have lived nextdoor and watch over your shoulder and ask pesky questions as you machined this.

I have more questions than answers but the first is.... did you build this from a plan you found?


Does the action have a name?

Two thumbs up!

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30carbnut posted this 06 January 2019

I bought Mr.Single Shot's Book of Rifle Plans by Frank Dehaas. It is a FM 2 Vault lock design that I modified the outside and internal workings quite a bit to make it work (IMO) better. 

NRA Life member since 1976

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  • Bud Hyett
tlkeizer posted this 06 January 2019


If I had a chance on another life I would really like to be dexterous, what wonderful craftsmanship.

Do you know if Frank Dehaas is related to Mark Dehaas, with whom I shot small bore with many (many) years ago?


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R. Dupraz posted this 07 January 2019

TK check your mail


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30carbnut posted this 07 January 2019

Mark is Franks son they both wrote the book.

NRA Life member since 1976

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mashburn posted this 10 June 2019

Hello 30carbnut,

Glad to see someone building a Frank DeHaus rifle. I have his book of plans and intended to build one and never did. I discovered investment castings instead.

Good Luck,


David a. Cogburn

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  • M3 Mitch
30carbnut posted this 10 July 2021

Hello all, been a while but I finally got the 45-70 done as I had envisioned it at the beginning, I think it turned out well, what do you all think?


NRA Life member since 1976

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