43 Spanish

  • Last Post 28 March 2022
beagle6 posted this 18 March 2022

My newest toy is a near mint 43 Spanish Rolling Block.Anyone have a good smokeless load for a 390 grain bullet?


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beagle6 posted this 18 March 2022

A senior moment: the bullet is 370 grains.

beagle 6

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delmarskid posted this 19 March 2022

I use trapdoor Springfield data. It seems to be a pretty east cartridge to deal with.

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delmarskid posted this 19 March 2022

I can’t seem to edit. I meant to spell easy. I have an Argentine rifle, carbine, and a Peabody. Brass isn’t cheap. I’ve cobbled some together from 45-70 but the necks are short and the bases bulge.

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oscarflytyer posted this 20 March 2022

Ah!  A man after my own heart!  I currently have 2 43 RBs, and one RB custom in 45-70 (also Marlin 45-70).  One 43 RB has a fat bore (I slugged it) and .439s keyhole.  Needing to try .442s.  Other 43 RB shoots the std .439 great (and haven't slugged it).

Not done much yet with either of the 43s yet - just getting started.   As above, the one with fat bore is going to take more work with proper fitting slugs.  The other one shot very well in initial test with a .439 slug (~400 grn as cast) and 30 grn of IMR 3031.  It had almost no recoil.  I am going to go to 32 grn of 3031 and see what it does.  May work up to 34-35 grn. 

My 45-70 load is 38.5 grn of IMR 3031 pushing a 405 HB 1350 fps mv - Waters Pet Load for TD - what I started with/WORKS on paper AND deer - and done!  Lot of guidance I have seen for the 43 is 90% of a 45-70 TD load (and basically what Lee publishes). That would be 34.5 based off my 45-70 pet load.  But they also say the RB is stronger than the TD... Who knows for sure?!?...

I have no intent or plan to hot rod anything - ESPECIALLY an old RB (don't have a TD)!  In the 43s I intend to load somewhere b/n 30-35 grns of IMR 3031, safely worked up/whatever load shoots best out to 200 yds.  Ringing a 6" gong at 200 is the basic goal.  And I will also hunt deer with it out to my woods 100 yds - shoulder shots with the RN bullets.  A deer with a 43 would just hammer the kool factor for me!

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oscarflytyer posted this 20 March 2022

BTW - another thing I found.  If/when you can't find 43 Spanish brass (348 Win swaged), look at/for 44-77 Sharps brass (also 348 Win swaged).  I am using 44-77 brass and works great. 

Using the 44-77 brass with .085"-.090" thick rim, run through 43 die, and so far, has fit both my 43s and another one we tried them in. As long as the rifle will headspace on the thicker rim, what I will use.  If yours won't, they also make the 44-77 brass in ~.067" and ~.077 rim thickness.  

Just have to remember and accept that SAMMI specs didn't exist back in THOSE days - lol!

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beagle6 posted this 20 March 2022

Thanks everyone. Based on your advice to use trapdoor data; think I'll start with 28 grains of 4198 as I don't have any 3031. 


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  • delmarskid
delmarskid posted this 21 March 2022

The Unique loads seemed good in my carbine. It’s a real nice cartridge.

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oscarflytyer posted this 28 March 2022

"Based on your advice to use trapdoor data; think I'll start with 28 grains of 4198"

DEF interested in your results with this one.  

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