I was given a lb of win wst powder. I'm wondering if I can use this in my 243 with cast bullets. If anyone has used it can you share a starting load. I see it's next to trail boss but I still can't figure a starting load. I was thinking about 4 to 4 1/2 grains. I would appreciate any help here. Thanks
Winchester wst powder
- Last Post 27 March 2023
Ed Harris has written a lot about such powders. Have a search of the forum.
Cheers from New Zealand
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I've found WST to be just a tudge, maybe, faster than Bullseye. Basically, though in the 9mm and 38 SPL the measured pressures and velocities overlapped with the same charge.
Concealment is not cover.........
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i have searched and searched and come up empty. so now where do i turn to. icontacted
hodgodon with no reply..
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Larry says WST is very near Bullseye, as do the charts. We know that a lot of shooters use VERY small charges of Bullseye, or similar, for CB loads in big for bore calibers. I sometimes load 4 or 5 gr of TiteGroup in 223 for instance.
The powders are not identical, but there is nothing magical about different brands of powder with similar burning rates especially for very low pressure CB loads. Use very light loads and go for it.
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Wrote to hodgdon.they said to use it only in hand gun. Of course I know they wouldn't say.
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Didn't find anything about it
Try this. https://forum.castbulletassoc.org/thread/winchester-452aa-who-has-used-it-what-worked-for-you/
Cheers from New Zealand
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