Here's mine
1) LBT/Mos
2) Accurate
3) Noe
5) A Distant Everything Else
I haven't used every mold company"s product but this list more than covers my needs.
Here's mine
1) LBT/Mos
2) Accurate
3) Noe
5) A Distant Everything Else
I haven't used every mold company"s product but this list more than covers my needs.
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1) Hoch
2) Paul Mathews
3) NOE
4) Accurate
5) Saeco
6) RCBS (American Made)
7) Lyman
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1: Hoch 2: NEI (when Walt ran it) 3: LBT 4: Cramer 5: SAECO
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When I retired and down sized into smaller quarters out in the country I sold off all of my mass-produced molds and started over, having Tom at Accurate make custom molds for my of my own designs for the calibers I shoot.
The only exceptions are four NOE molds of standard designs having diameters tweaked to my needs, and a CBE mold for the 2-groove .303 No.4 Long Branch.
73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
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I sold off all of my mass-produced molds and started over
Ditto except for the RCBS 165 Sil which I really like and a couple of RCBS 40 and 45 caliber for my Sharp's. My round ball moulds are Tanner and Lee's but that's not what I'm talking about here
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I'm inventorying my production molds for sale because my son wants me to clean out the reloading shed. I have possibly 80 molds now that I am inventorying. When done, there will be the following remaining in order of preference:
Gone will be the Lyman and Lee molds that I have.
Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest
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NOE and Lee (6 cavity). Good designs, work like they should and in the case of Lee prices I can afford.
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1--RCBS--All of mine are old except one, and I am yet to use the new one.
3--Lyman and Ideal. some are better than others.
Happy New Years 2024
David a. Cogburn
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1-- NOE, 2-- MP, 3-- RCBS, 4-- Lyman (older)
Wishing everyone a healthy and wealthy new year.
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Most of my mold are Lyman/Ideal or Lee, but I do have a few others. My favorite manufacturers from the ones I have used are:
RCBS - I have a 357 semi-wadcutter mold that drops perfect bullets from the first cast almost every time. The 200 grain 30 caliber silhouette mold is almost as easy to use.
NOE - I only have one, a custom 200 grain for the Hungarian 8x56R.
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1. Fred Leeth
2. NOE
3. Steve Brooks
4. Hoch
5. Tom Ballard
7. Hensley & Gibbs
8. Modern Bond
9. Cramer
10. NEI
11. Ideal
12. Early integral hndl.Ideals
13. Early Lyman s.c.
14. Winchester
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1 MP MOLDS brass in 4 cavity hollow points
2 Saeco
4 Lee 6 cavity
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I have used Lee for handgun bullets and just not real fond of them. Have used a H&G 4 cavity in .38 wadcutter but don't as yet use that much. Have tried a few other brands that have dropped nice bullets but didn't work for me. Have used plenty of other designs from Lyman, 1,2, and 4 cavity but not faves.
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Past: Hensley and Gibbs hands down the best for pistol molds, Eagan for rifles.
I should have bought more of these when I had the chance.
Present: Accurate, Tom has replaced older Lyman and others to get similar designs which cast the correct diameters.
SAECO molds are nice but pricey.
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ive had them from every company ive heard of. if i could have all my favorite bullets available in one mold it would hands down be 4 cave hensely & gibbs/ballistic cast. which are basicaly the same thing. they cast beautifully and it about take a nuke bomb to damage them. today id take an mp and if rcbs made a good 4 cav they'd be on the list. 4 cav lymans are great molds but their 2 cav suck. one thing for sure. NO aluminum mold would take a top 5 or even a top 10. cast as much as me and they just dont hold up. the lbts and alum noes are just glorified overpriced lee 6 cav if you as me.
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Past maker would be a toss-up between Ideal and Cramer. There are some Modern Bond and Belding & Mull out there in the blue barn, but not favorites, and my only H&G is an unsatisfactory copy of the old Sqibb bullet. Those are the only old makers I have experience of.
Of present makers the ones I have used and liked best have been Lyman and NOE. Other present makers such as RCBS and Lee have run about 50/50 good to not so good,
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That prior post was supposed to end something like: but the low cost of the Lee moulds cushions the pain of that somewhat.
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the lbts and alum noes are just glorified overpriced lee 6 cav if you as me.
Lol. You must have had some really good Lee molds. I don't beat up my molds so surviving the nuke test for me is a moot point
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1. Paul Jones
2. Steve Brooks
3. Don Eagan
4. LBT
5. Saeco
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Lyman 457125 MP Lee 6 cav for cheap volume Be Well Brothers, RZ.
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Here's mine 1) LBT/Mos 2) Accurate 3) Noe 4) RCBS 5) A Distant Everything Else I haven't used every mold company"s product but this list more than covers my needs.
I would add Eagan somewhere between one and two.
But I have to agree every LBT mold I have ever used has been perfect ,that sprue design is phenomenal.
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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Was starting to wonder when H&G would be mentioned.
I’d have to say: Accurate Hensley & Gibbs (#244 wadcutter) MP. I have a 6-cavity HG68 clone & an 8-cavity SAECO 348 clone (.38 DEWC) that positively rain beautiful bullets practically from the first cast when properly pre-heated. Just wish the .38s dropped a little smaller (they’re .360.)
In another life I owned some LBTs which were awesome. Sad to see Veral leaving the business.
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I hate H&G molds!
But seriously, I sold all of these off and did like Mr. Harris and replacd them with accurate Aluminum moulds that fit my particular guns. Much easier to handle than these big pigs.
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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For me, and I'm dating myself here, the best pistol bullet molds of all time came from Hensley & Gibbs. Their classic H&G #68 200 grain Semi-Wadcutter mold in 45 cal was my favorite for 45ACP. I still have that mold.
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I have a lot of molds from just about everyone. Hard to pick a favorite, no really bad ones. I’m fond of my Ranch Dog 6 cavity’s. Simple and well thought out. I even had him autograph a mold box for me! I know, Lee made his molds. Never had any complaints about Lee’s 6 cavity molds. Lotta bang for the buck.
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I have a lot of molds from just about everyone. Hard to pick a favorite, no really bad ones. I’m fond of my Ranch Dog 6 cavity’s. Simple and well thought out. I even had him autograph a mold box for me! I know, Lee made his molds. Never had any complaints about Lee’s 6 cavity molds. Lotta bang for the buck.
good to hear you are kicking. Here you are in Puyallup at the Military Nationals in 2010.
At least I think it's you?
"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!
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Hoch single cavity pre Colorado. It takes 2 or 3 casts and it's up to temp, and I can't cast fast enough to get a frosted bullet. Weigh sorting these are a waste of time. And it's a nose pour.
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My Hoch 50 caliber 450 grain mould is like that, not the 30 not so much.
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I'll play . #1- LBT. #2- SAECO. #3- H&G. #4- RCBS (older). #5- Ideal SC, (my sentimental favorite). #6- Accurate, I don't have enough experience with Toms moulds, but the ones I've had were stellar.
As I enter my sell down, starting next month.
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I'm quite new to casting, dropped my first boolits just a couple years ago. Of the molds I've acquired to date I'd have to say RCBS, MP, NOE, and Lyman in that order. Shuz let me borry a couple SAECOs and they were nice. Cast my first boolits Apr '21 and down the rabbit hole I went.
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I only cast for 357 and 30 cal but it's lee for me, 6 cav for my 94 30/30 FP another 2 cav for my 308 BLR and the 158 grn swc TL very old lee mold for the 357 in my rossi carbine.
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I go with any steel mold out there except the recent versions by Lyman, they can’t seem to be able to get their alignment pins properly placed. No aluminum or brass molds for me!
Forrest Gump is my smarter brother.
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I don’t cast my own but I like the ones I buy that are cast in Hensley & Gibbs molds they are my favorites.
Fred H.
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Lyman / Ideal
Modern Bond
Hensley & Gibbs
LBT - but I don't own one myself.
Prefer old Lyman or Modern Bond handles to any others. Was in the process of making an order from LBT when they had the fire so I will most likely never own the mold of Veral's that I wanted, it's an odd ball . Got some Winchester molds that I like a lot.
Grumpy Old Man With A Gun......Do Not Touch .
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Accurate is my favorite custom maker. If I can find a Lyman or Ideal that I like, stamped "U" (for undersize), I'll buy it.
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Accurate Older Lyman Older Lee
If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.
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I’m just a shooter, plinker. I don’t shoot matches, I’m in it for the casting, reloading enjoyment. But I like to make a tight group.
NEI Walt cut molds NOE Arsenal Accurate RCBS LEE and I’ll add 6 cavity molds which for the money should probably rank higher on the list. Lot of bang for the buck.
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