Does a 30 cal. vickermann seating die need to be altered for cast bullet use? My .310 to .314 diameter bullets don't work. They're too large for the seating opening.
Vickermann Die
- Last Post 06 October 2023
posted this
06 October 2023
I would assume they would have to be opened up. Some people have said they have one Vickerman, and make the insert for different calibers. Many other "normal" dies can't handle the .310 bullets without work.
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posted this
06 October 2023
Depends upon the vintage of manufacture. Started in Ellensburg, WA, and I have that ".30" die and it works up to .311" just fine. Later made in Moses Lake, WA, and I have the interchangeable guts for 7mm that works with .287". Unknown about the last production from Dayton, WA.
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